What you think about this cycle?
Oxandrolone 3 pieces + 2 stanozolol + 1 mesterolone-proviron ? Off course live 52 + clomid + tamoximed
Hylma Biocare
For 6weeks or 8 weeks cycle
I want some muscular mass and i want to lose some fat procent
What you think about this cycle?
Oxandrolone 3 pieces + 2 stanozolol + 1 mesterolone-proviron ? Off course live 52 + clomid + tamoximed
Hylma Biocare
For 6weeks or 8 weeks cycle
I want some muscular mass and i want to lose some fat procent
No test base?
There are 3 loves in my life: my wife, my English mastiffs, and my weightlifting....Man, my wife gets really pissed when I get the 3 confused...
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Sounds like an awful idea. I'm not experienced but know you are gonna feel like absolute trash on that cycle. They will suppress your natural testosterone production and that will absolutely bottom out your testosterone levels and to my knowledge, those steroids don't aromatise into estrogen. that will cause even more issues. You need a trt dose of test. Like I said, I'm not experienced but I ran a large dose sarm cycle without any test and I felt extremely suppressed. It wasn't fun. Maybe some more experienced guys can chime in.
Last edited by rise_against; 02-06-2021 at 10:26 PM.
In the past I use 6 weeks
Oxandrolone -Anavar 70mg/day
Mesterolone - Proviron 50mg/day
Results :
- My body grow in muscle and force, gain aproximative 5kg
- very good filling daily because of mesterolone - Anavar
Now i want
Oxandrolone -Anavar 70mg/day
Mesterolone - Proviron 25mg/day
Stanozolol - Winstrol 30mg/day
Liv52. 1 pill / day
After this 6 weeks or 8.. I will use tpc :
- clomid 100mg + tamoxifen 40mg 10days
-;clomid 50mg +:tamoxifen 20mg 10 days
Double post ....
Why are you afraid of pinning some actual test?
Well I have to say this cycle is just plain idiotic. Liver support? Dont make me laugh/cry.
This is a fine example of someone wanting to learn by jumping through windows.
Man, pick one of those orals, run it for 6 to 8 weeks and pin 250 to 300 test enanthate per week fir 12 weeks.
Great! now you cycle like you have testicles and not ovaries... You're welcome.
Because I want to grow slow and safe only 5-6 kg after cycle . After oxandrolone + Mesterolone i have grown 5kg purr mass. And I don't like to grow whit 15-20kg in 1 month. I have some friend very big but whit no force
they call him pussy - men . Big body and force of women. Me whit only protein and creatine, I push whith 100 - 110kg and on back I work whit 140kg
I beet every men whit steroids from gym... and I am skinny for they. For me is genetic for back power. Now I only want to build some muscle easy every 3 month 5kg .
Ahhhh no, you can take my advice or leave it.
You do as you please and enjoy your cycle. Best of luck for your future.
lol @ drinking water...I always thought Liv was so cheap that it was too good to be true,so I reviewed the ingredients a couple of years back....I think maybe ONE of the ingredients in that hodge podge was shown to have a half ass effect on Liver function. There isnt a single milligram of the big three in that formula (TUDCA, NAC or even Milk Thistle) They also tout that there are "dozens" of studies showing its efficacy. I managed to pull up a single dubious study.
If anyone of you bros use this stuff, just know I am not trying to shit on your parade. But seriously, save some money up and go with some NAC instead. If you got a little more coin, go with NAC and Milk Thistle. And if you can afford it, buy TUDCA over anything. There are also herbs/antioxidants that are shown to be hepatoprotective (none of which are in Liv) like Spirulina,Hesperidine, Parsley leaf and Hibiscus. The Spirulina can be found cheap if you look around.
It all equates to putting a band aid on a gunshot wound. Those hepaprotective supplements might improve numbers on regular bloodwork (to some degree), but they're not going to do much when you slap on a whole buffet of oral steroids. It's best to use them for a short period of time and then get off them.
I agree. Theres no substitute for a sane amount of orals for a reasonable length of time. But I really think these compounds can help your liver function better and help you feel better during a harsh oral cycle. And if you go full retard, they might be the difference between being OK or ending up in the hospital.
The liver (within reasonable limits) can bounce back and recover from a lot of damage it takes. It's one of the most resilient organs in the body. Taking oral steroids over a short period of time will elevate enzymes and show some signs of abuse, but supposing you're not doing this long term, it'll return back to normal after you stop taking those steroids and allow it to recover.
I agree Honkey Kong.
Liver support makes as much sense as detox tea.
There is no need to support an organ with dubious supplementation when your intent is to abuse that very same organ, all for fragile gains.
Amino acid therapy to prevent hepatic fat build up, could possibly be of some value.
Agreed. Best thing to do is not abuse them in the first place and allow ample recovery time. Yea, the Liver is a fucking soldier of an organ . No doubt about that.
If you are dead set on running this you should have a read through, AFAIK, the most anally executed oral cycle I have ever seen on here. I always keep this bookmarked for occasions like this: ANAVAR Cycle (for those interested)
Terrible plan, you are taxing your liver for sure. Man up and inject. You’re cycle is crap.
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