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What size gauge should I use???

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by , 08-24-2011 at 05:17 PM (1077 Views)
So I found my source ready 2 get on an start my cycle and bout 2 order syringes. But im not 2 sure bout da sizes. Im a skinny ass dude weighin in bout a buck 45. Got chicken legs and everything like off da movie Captain America. Help me out please hahaha!


  1. rangerjoe1978's Avatar
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    IDE go with 23 guage ,1 inch long. You can go to 1.5 inch but 1inch is plenty. I get a 18guage to draw it out of bottle then use the 22-23 guage to inject
  2. apstylez's Avatar
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    Okkk cool preciate it homie!
  3. rangerjoe1978's Avatar
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    Anytime . Don't freakout if you hit a nerve or vien lol I've shot blood 12 feet before
  4. apstylez's Avatar
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    WTF LOL dont you suppose 2 try and not 2 hit it haha? What happens If I do?