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I need help

Ok i've been taking .5 cc of tes sus, and 1 cc of tren every 3 days, and now i'm building gyno or estrogen and my breast are starting to pop out and when i feel them it feels like i got marbles behind my nipples. So can i take something for that while i'm on a cycle? And will it take off all the way to where its not noticeable?

  1. I need help!!!

    by , 03-13-2011 at 10:46 PM (I need help)
    Ok i've been taking .5 cc of tes sus, and 1 cc of tren every 3 days, and now i'm building gyno or estrogen and my breast are starting to pop out and when i feel them it feels like i got marbles behind my nipples. So can i take something for that while i'm on a cycle? And will it take off all the way to where its not noticeable?