, 05-25-2009 at 09:57 AM (552 Views)
hi guys, i bought a bottle ov androlic from british despencery, but all iv read lately is the amont ov counterfeits there r on the market and was hopeing u could give me a deffenitiv answer to wether or not they r orfentic. this is myfirst purchase of anobolics and could deffinetly need the guidance.
The bottle seems legit but the pills themselves r even more so, i must apoligise for the poor qulity but my camera would not pic up the detail
that close up, but wen u look at these yourself they r they r extremly convincing, the print is so detaild and professionaly done.
They hav the arrow one side and the B.D symbol the other printed in fine crystle detail
please say there the real thing.