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  1. New guy for real advice and a mentor if possible

    by , 05-06-2013 at 12:23 PM (Needing some advice)
    Quote Originally Posted by Body brick View Post
    Im 35 270 lbs been lifting all my life.just started a cycle of
    250 mg test x2 wkly
    50 mg dbol daily
    I recently got in some new gear
    Tren hex 150 mg x3 weekly
    Test p 200 mg x3weekly
    Winny 50 mg x2 a day

    I started see some results with the first cycle. I ran that for 4 weeks. Now im running this new cycle of tren test p and winny. I have nolvadex and colmid is all. I staters noticing small gyno come up on the test e ans dbol. And I use the