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any advice?

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by , 06-14-2011 at 11:04 AM (420 Views)
hi, well where to start.. im a 21 year old male weight around 10.5 stone, hight 6"2, and i am pretty slim. to be honest i just want to look and feel like ive got a nice pair of guns i do work out @ a gym and have been for around 8-9 months now and just dont feel like i am getting anywhere i eat around 200-300 protein a day no crap what so ever :/ i am looking on getting a course and can anyone give me advice on what cycle they would recommend for a beginner, i have read quite alot and people say that dianabol + winstrol stacked can be pretty effective, so any advice i would be very greatfull thanks


  1. brawnysmart's Avatar
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    Hi. First of all you have a very good aim, which is to have nice set of guns . But unfortunately you have to balance your body strength in body parts to lift heavier weights for your arms. Example : if you overdevelop your arms but leave your shoulders weak, this will limit the weight you can lift with your arms. So to answer your question, pick a good basic workout plan and stick to it - something that involves the basic power moves - deadlifts, bench presses, squats. This will help you build a sound muscle base overall and adapt your body to weights. From there you can focus on your arms . Secondly, you need to mind your diet - proteins and a little of carbs - pick a good whey protein to build your mass. Thirdly - you can pick any cycle that works for you but the more important issue is - the quality and safety of the supplements you take. Again these are just supplements, nothing can substitute hard training and real nutritious food. So if you are expecting to get big just on supplements i dont think its a realistic expectation. I myself have been taking just protein, an ocaasional pre workout drink and occasional fat burner but i dont need to cycle because I rarely take thm...its just all hard training, proper technique, proper rest and diet and a lot of whey protein. if you are intereseted to learn more you can email me