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oxanavar from lifesciences las vegas nevada tested positive for opiates

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by , 01-25-2011 at 09:55 PM (2326 Views)
Quote Originally Posted by kingsilver13 View Post
I just got anavar from lifescience las vegas nevada and bought a drug test online, tested the pill and it tested positive for opiates which could prove really bad for me.Why did this happen?


  1. paquiio's Avatar
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    Me and my gilfriend has been using Anavar from lifescience for the last two years. They are amazingly strong and I get my blood work done every 6months... so no! they DO NOT contain opiates. I wish they do...won't mind getting In a serious note: I use it and have great gains and only has to use 2 a day more than that is too much because they are THAT strong!
  2. nickkutzko's Avatar
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    k this paquioo guy is obviously a rep for life sciences or some shit, the only other life sciences question on the net about the hgh somatropin i found this guy had a response right under it and he had joined the same day as the question. highly suspect and obvious buddy.