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1st cycle help

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by , 08-17-2011 at 08:09 AM (592 Views)
[B]Hi guys i have a few questions and are hoping you guys can help me (guide me)

Ok i am 184 cm (Almost 6'1 lol) tall and weigh 85kg (187 pounds) not sure body fat percentage but i have a bit of a belly lol and am 30 yrs old. I wanna bulk up and gain some size so i sourced some of gods good juice lol. Ok this is my first cycle and figure i have enough for a solid 10 week cycle. i got onto 20ml of prop (100mg/ml) and 20ml of enanthate (200mg/ml).. I was thinking with the enanthate doing 500mg per week over 2 injections per week btw.. So i started off doing 1ml (cc) eod of the prop for 1 week. But i read that enanthate takes about 3-4 weeks to kick in an they say to front load it with prop for the 4 weeks till enanthate kicks in then get of prop toatal. So yeah in the second week i did the same 1ml (cc) of prop eod but also put 1.25ml (cc) of enanthate in 2 of the prop injections every week to make the 500mg enanthate i want..... As far as diet goes I am getting about 4000 calories a day and about 300 grams of protien a day through good foods like chicken breast, steak, eggs, tuna, rice, veggies and pasta with some junk food and the rest with supplements... Guess what i am asking is does this sound like a good 1st cycle? What gains can i expect as in weight? and will i need clomid or nolva or HCG? Any critisism would be great and any tips weather it be the way i cahnge my cycle or eating habbits.. Ask if u need any other information

Cheers heap guys


  1. danroid's Avatar
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    Oh and i train my ass of for 45-55 min every day having the one day a week off
  2. danroid's Avatar
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    Come on guys really need your input here. Wanna know if i am doin anything wrong as i am pretty deidcated to improving myself.. Thanx