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by , 06-07-2011 at 10:48 PM (2397 Views)
okay im 22, 6 foot, solid 180. ive been lifting for a few years, but one year now serious, im low body fat maybe 10 to 12 %, for some reason i cant put on mass and im looking for a cycle to put me up to a solid 200lb's in the neext 6 months, i eat well and dont miss a day lifting, im not looking to take orals because of bad liver family history, does anyone have suggestions for me to obtain my 200lb goal the best a healthiest way. im a baseball player (pitcher) and im really trying to put alot of weight in my legs, i have veryyyy thin legs and have much room for mass. any suggestions are appreciated


  1. havehotasianwife's Avatar
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    what are your daily meals that you eat? i know lots of guys here will be asking why you didnt include those in your post. how perfect is your nutrition? also, lots of people here will tell you 22 is too young for AAS as you still have an developing endocrine system and also need to see a doctor to make sure your secondary growth plate is finished growing. AAS or any type of hormones for that matter are not advised till at least 25 as that is the general idea that the endocrine system is finished developing and natural testosterone levels start to drop. so for anyone to better help you, please list your exact nutrition strategy also how much you sleep, and party.
  2. puzzler's Avatar
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    you need to do alot more leg workouts, this will increase your natural testosterone levels
    if you have small legs then youll have small testosterone levels,
    if your not growing a full beard then you need to rase your natural test levels
    perhapse youre doing too much cardio, that was my problem, i was running 10 miles per day, and it killed my test levels
    once i stopped running those miles and doing more squats box squats and lounges ive been getting alot bigger about a pound a week bigger to be more exact