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415 Rob

Looking to start my first cycle

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by , 02-29-2012 at 11:54 PM (450 Views)
I am looking to start my first cycle and need to do some research.. Anybody know of any good books? Im trying to bulk and then cut my next cycle... Trying to stay away from dbol, heard nothing but bad stuff about it.. Any suggestions on doses or books I can research? Any feedback id apreciate, I'm 5'10" 165. 24yrs old, thank u


  1. Zeak176's Avatar
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    What is your definition of a cycle. I know D-bol is just run a few weeks into a stack so what is it you're looking to do? Your problem is probably your diet and being as tall as you are at only 165 you probably need to increase your carb intake tremendously as well as the way you train. If Im thin at 165 at only 5'6" then lets look into what your diet consists of as well as your training in a weekly format.
  2. 415 Rob's Avatar
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    First cycle meaning my first cycle.. I dont know how else to put it.. I was 180 about 5 months ago but I totally fell off.. Just got back into the gym and I know I have to wait a few months before I hop on.. But I want to bulk first and then cut.. Im trying to stack, but need some suggestions on some beginner cycles... Im just now geting my diet back on track and training as well