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Antonio Butcheros

My Low labido and didnt do PCT??

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by , 04-24-2012 at 10:37 AM (470 Views)
Hi people,
I have always trained hard with only supplements and i was 19 stone, back in 2008 i broke my neck c5/c6 and left with a spinal cord injury, after spending 9 months in various hospitals & rehab units i was then put back into the community being self reliant. I was very very desperate to get back to my normal self, which i now have come to terms with that i will never be like again. I have been training again in my local gym as i do my own physio. November 2011 i done a 6 week course of Deca & Sus 2ml a week then for 4 weeks then jumped back on the juice for another 6 weeks, i feel stupid now for doin it but i was desperate to get back to normal.

I didnt even do PCT after the 1st course as i was new to all that, not even after the 2nd time round even though i was advised to by a very well known body builder. Since janruary when i came off it i am not interested in sex at all which is very out of character for me. I want kids as well which is another worry for me as i dont know if ive killed off my strongest of swimmers. Can anyone advise me of what to do? or am i to late? will my natural harmones kick back in at any point because at the minute (with all jokes aside) i feel like a school girl and not a popular one for that....

thankyou very much


  1. Edgar101's Avatar
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    Hey Antonio. Have thought of using HCG???
  2. Antonio Butcheros's Avatar
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    No Edgar101 have heard people talking about it but i dont know what it does. What i do want to know is will the bodys natural test eventually return on its own in the future Cheers Edgar
  3. Edgar101's Avatar
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    It's great stuff. IMO opinion, I would look into getting on it. It helps the testes produce testosterone again due to the suppression of steroids. Eventually your hormones will come back to normal but why not speed up the process with HCG.
  4. Antonio Butcheros's Avatar
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    Thats a great bit of info will definately look into it! cheers Edgar