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Cycle and Stack Help

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by , 04-10-2012 at 02:10 AM (456 Views)
Quote Originally Posted by gonzo6183 View Post
Have you cycled before?

Do you know your bodyfat %
Yes I have. Started June 2005 15 weeks Test, Eq, Winnie
2006 15 weeks October Anavar, Deca, Eq, Sus250, Test Cyp, winny

My Body Fat is 7 %


  1. unixguy's Avatar
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    Hey i am not sure if your looking but i found a source
    got my cycle today just pm you cuz your online


    thats his link he provided tracking i am very impressed just wanted to share cheers
  2. kingsupplier's Avatar
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    kabalistic is a scam the site layout and everything was stolen from the legit source me i wont post the link as its against the rules here but i hope these posts are going to be taken down