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by , 05-23-2012 at 08:39 PM (340 Views)
I am 21 and starting a stack
Weeks 1-10: 500mg GP Test Enath250 ( 1ml Twice per week)
Weeks 1-10: 250mg GP Deca250 - 250mg ( 0.5ml Twice per week)
Weeks 1-4: 40mg GP Turan per day
Weeks 1-13: 0.5mg GP Anastrozole per day

I was wondering what kind of results i could expect to see i am new to all this done my research. My goal is to trim down i am 240lbs right now and just want to look good with well defined muscles and have a good looking abdominal region.


  1. bigdrop's Avatar
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    well its a good stack for a first time user, actually id probably just run test alone, and keep the deca for a 2nd cycle, just personal opinion, but test and deca have a tendency to bring on bloat and water gain, ultimately leaving you with extra fat to burn after cycle so id probably change my mind about at least the deca if your trying to cut, its possible but first cycle youll expect to gain anywhere from 15-25 lbs maybe try at least adding some winny or anavar is a good oral with fat burning properties, good luck
  2. byrdman69's Avatar
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    ^^^ Would this be a better stack to get cut with on my first cycle like you were talking about and thanks for all the info

    Weeks 1-8 100 mg GP Test Prop every other day.
    Weeks 3-8 40 mg GP Stan 10 per day.
    Weeks 1-8 GP Anastrozole .5 mg per day (continued for at least 10 days after cycle.)