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need help please

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by , 05-05-2012 at 05:24 PM (404 Views)
Ok i am 24 im 6"2 250 lbs i just took my 1 pin wedsday of test 500 mlg a week and today im supossed to take my pin agin of decca and test i took it in the glute and i developed a knot and it quite painful,i am using 23g 1 inch pins,this is my 1st cycle im trying to cut down and tone up for my wedding in 2 months im wanting to no what to do about bump and if i didnt go in far enough if i need bigger pins like a 1 1/2 pin or if i inject in my deltoid how far do i go in please help me out fellas i would really appreciate it this is some scary shit


  1. rampaige77's Avatar
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    is it a prop or sus 250 ? just asking cuz sust250 was my 1st injectable it was a preloaded version an it hurt like a bitch n was a bump n irritated for about 4 days i was just getting over 1st shot pain when i had to take another we all hated it, but otherwise id say from the sound of it you might be getting an abcess , id have it looked at to be on safe side a nice festering infection has a way of putting a damper on a wedding