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Sustanon 250 only cycle need a good pct program

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by , 07-30-2012 at 11:56 PM (1263 Views)
Hello everybody... Im a complete noob and first timer when it comes to using "enhancements" lol....... I bought sustonon 250 made by evolution labs.....and a bottle of what I thought was anavar but i don't believe so anymore...but first things first

Age 31
180 lbs
been training in muay thai, bjj, and anything else in between that involves punching kicking biting since 2002
weight training for the past 15 mo.
Body Fat ???
Diet very clean for past 6 mo High protein/low shit food..Im pretty diciplined

I need to know what to run PCT and anything else needed to prevent gyno.....I've been reading tons on this subject and I feel like theres too many mixed opinions.. so I wanted to see what was said for my situation..... as for this bottle of mystery pills.... they are tiny little light green pills with SM on one side and a line on the other side through the middle....any suggestions??? any ideas on a sustonon winstrol cycle?? thanks for all your help in advance...maybe someone could line me out a complete program


  1. jchoke's Avatar
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    oh yeah the pills are square..sorry