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third cycle after 6 months off, not gaining! no appetite, no energy?!?

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by , 08-27-2012 at 11:37 AM (1056 Views)
hi i have been actively involved in bodybuilding for 4 years i normally go 6 on 6 off and have never ran into problems re gaining. end of last cycle i was 6'2 209lbs 12% bodyfat and was running 1000mg test cyp/week, 50mg dbol/daily, and 700mg tren a/week. i am currently running same doses except have dropped my tren down to 400mg/week. i am on week 6 and havent seen the dramatic gains/strength increase i am used to, as a matter of fact i seem to have less energy than ever and am relying on pre workout supps to get me thru my short burst workouts. also appetite has been close to non existitent, i used to eat 6-7 meals/daily+protien 3x/daily, now i have trouble finishing any meal and am forcing down every bit of food/protein drinks i can... anyone have any idea what could possibly be going on?? i appreciate any help or suggestions.


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    by the way when i say "6 on 6 off" im reffering to months. and am currently at 191lbs and 15% body fat if that helps