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by , 09-20-2012 at 11:56 AM (700 Views)
Iam New to this forum, here because for the first time in my life iam out of shape. I've always worked my but off to maintain 200-205lbs and 8 to 11% percent of body fat, over the last ten years of my life. I was involved in a motorcycle wreck eight months ago, left me bedriddin for six of those months, needless to say, my diet and workout routine went out the window. Was fed most of my meals through a straw, so I dropped all the way down to 163lbs not good! Iam back on track now but have lost too much don't wanna spend the next two years getting it back. Talked to some friends at the gym and they recommended that I become a member here, so I did. I've read the rules, and agree with them, I've found patients pays off. Will post again soon.


  1. varfreak's Avatar
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    Good luck bro, you are in the right place. Sure someone will help you.

    What are you thinking of doing?