Clen Log (19 years old, 6' and roughly 230 pounds)
, 02-13-2008 at 06:10 PM (2106 Views)
Day 1 Feb. 12 2008
(I drink between a gallon and a gallon and a half of water pure day, just not written down because its an on going thing.)
8 AM- 1 Pill (20 mcg)
830 AM- Omlet, Cheerios, skim milk
11 AM- Protein Shake
12 PM- 1 Pill (20 mcg)
1230 PM- Chicken, Rice,
4 PM- 1 Pill (20 mcg), 17HD
430 PM- Gym Back/Bi
830 PM- Protein Shake
1 AM- Bed
Side Notes- The protein i take is Pro-Nos made by MRI, I eat everything basically from a "Balanced Choices" option at my college.
Side effects- I had relatively no side effects, maybe a little blushing of the skin, i did however get a little cramping though, and my eye itched..but that could just be a coincidence..I DID feel like i had way more energy, and i felt like i was almost "automatically" stronger.