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Clen Log (19 years old, 6' and roughly 230 pounds)

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by , 02-13-2008 at 06:10 PM (2106 Views)
Day 1 Feb. 12 2008

(I drink between a gallon and a gallon and a half of water pure day, just not written down because its an on going thing.)

8 AM- 1 Pill (20 mcg)

830 AM- Omlet, Cheerios, skim milk

11 AM- Protein Shake

12 PM- 1 Pill (20 mcg)

1230 PM- Chicken, Rice,

4 PM- 1 Pill (20 mcg), 17HD

430 PM- Gym Back/Bi

830 PM- Protein Shake

1 AM- Bed

Side Notes- The protein i take is Pro-Nos made by MRI, I eat everything basically from a "Balanced Choices" option at my college.

Side effects- I had relatively no side effects, maybe a little blushing of the skin, i did however get a little cramping though, and my eye itched..but that could just be a coincidence..I DID feel like i had way more energy, and i felt like i was almost "automatically" stronger.


  1. rickrick55's Avatar
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    Day 2 Feb 13 2008
    630 AM- 2 Mile Run

    715 AM- 2 Pills (40 mcg)

    9 AM- Protein Shake

    10 AM- Cheerios, Skim milk

    130 PM- Steak and potatoes (Balanced Choices)

    230 PM- 1 Pill (20 mcg)

    4 PM- 1 Pill (20 mcg), 17HD

    415 PM- Cardio (stair master, 30 min)

    445 PM- Gym (legs)

    6 PM- Steak and Potatoes (Balanced Choices), Peanut Butter and Jelly on wheat

    8 PM- Protein Shake

    1 AM- Bed

    Side effects- today after my second time taking it in the day, i felt a tiny bit sick, but quickly went away. I did however have the runs, which was real fun haha. I felt like i kept having headaches coming on, but they never came. While doing cardio i felt like i was cramping up on my right side, but it was at very end. When squatting i was feeling pretty sick, and sweating way more than i thought i would.
  2. rickrick55's Avatar
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    Day 3 Feb 14th

    630 AM-Run (30 minutes)

    715 AM- 2 pills (40 mcg's)

    8 AM-Protein shake, Eggs, Special K

    11 AM- Apple 1 pill (20 mcg's)

    1 PM-Steak, Lean chicken, plain salad

    345 PM- Steak, Mango

    430 PM- Workout (shoulders, Abs)

    630 PM- Racketball

    Havent gotten here but this is the plan..

    830 PM- Apple

    11 PM- Protein shake

    12 PM- Bed

    Side effects-none besides flushing of the face..but im mostly irish so this happens a lot

    Tomorrow i will continue with perfect beasts plan and step it up to 80 mcg's..I am also thinking about switching over to guerilla cardio..sounds pretty intense..and i need intensity to keep me going
  3. dirtydopey's Avatar
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    try to stay within 120mcgs a day thats even high in my opinon if you want to take something healthier try ventolin salbuterol it is proven to help build muscle it will help you cut up but i know it is not as strong as clen but your young so you are good now but if any heart problems in family you might want to take caution but I cant say much I use clen to but do mix ventolin in every once in a while.just a suggestion good luck bro