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hey guys looking for some advice on my first cycle and pct

Rating: 2 votes, 4.00 average.
by , 09-24-2012 at 01:50 PM (802 Views)
38 yrs old, 5'8, 180lbs and first cycle 100 oral tbol & some mast. dont know much about proper dosage and nothing about pct....any feedback would be appriciated


  1. dirtydopey's Avatar
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    I personally beleive you are missing test base of all cycles. t-bol wk1-6 30-50 depending on you the mast 300mgs should be good first time around you should try to get some test cyp or e 250 just at least shoot it once a week it will help cause your body is going to shut down. as an est blocker I like adex .5 ed for your pct keep taking the adex for 4wks after you stop shooting clomid 4 wk 1st day 300mgs 1st wk 150 day 2nd wk 100 day 50 mgs wk 3 and 4 if you want you can add hcg 3wks every 5 days shoot 500iu you can take proviron if you want to but I dont so I cant help you with the dose