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2nd cycle

Rating: 3 votes, 3.33 average.
by , 09-29-2012 at 12:27 PM (650 Views)
Hey guys. Just joined the site an have been doing a ton of research here about what cycle I should run. I've been lifting seriously for 2 years and have put on about 35 pounds. I'm 20 years old and 5 7 at 170 poinds,and I made the mistake of doing a cycle about 6 months ago and I was very in educated. I have since been on here constantly reading. I did a basic beginner cycle. 20 mg of dbol for four weeks and a ten week cycle of test e for ten weeks finishing with clomid and hcg. I am going to get blood work done next week to make sure I have totally recovered. I'm thinking of doing this cycle next. Any suggestions or changes would be much appreciated.

Weeks 1-4
30mg of dbol

Weeks 1-12
Sust 300(2) 10ml
Eq 400(1) 10ml

Planning to inject every 5 days 1ml of sust and half a ml of eq. I also would like to front load. What amount would be a good way to kick start my cycle with the dbol.

Hcg at 250iu every second day starting at week 2
Nolva 3 weeks after cycle at 50 mg a day until finished.


  1. dirtydopey's Avatar
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    your waisting the eq at .5ml a week you should shoot at least 200mgs 2twice a wk for no less then 12 wks the sus is good but at least twice a wk is alot better to jumpstart with d-bol I 20mg 1stwk 30 mg 2nd wk 40 till I run out with sust and d-bol you should go with adex .5 ed you will be real happy with the results over nolva go clomid and the adex and hcg for the pct you will be happy with the resaults if you need some in fo goto gearedupstregth dot webs dot com / follow directions and you wont be disappointed