2nd cycle
, 09-29-2012 at 12:27 PM (650 Views)
Hey guys. Just joined the site an have been doing a ton of research here about what cycle I should run. I've been lifting seriously for 2 years and have put on about 35 pounds. I'm 20 years old and 5 7 at 170 poinds,and I made the mistake of doing a cycle about 6 months ago and I was very in educated. I have since been on here constantly reading. I did a basic beginner cycle. 20 mg of dbol for four weeks and a ten week cycle of test e for ten weeks finishing with clomid and hcg. I am going to get blood work done next week to make sure I have totally recovered. I'm thinking of doing this cycle next. Any suggestions or changes would be much appreciated.
Weeks 1-4
30mg of dbol
Weeks 1-12
Sust 300(2) 10ml
Eq 400(1) 10ml
Planning to inject every 5 days 1ml of sust and half a ml of eq. I also would like to front load. What amount would be a good way to kick start my cycle with the dbol.
Hcg at 250iu every second day starting at week 2
Nolva 3 weeks after cycle at 50 mg a day until finished.