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Need help/answers, FAST!

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by , 11-12-2012 at 11:34 AM (587 Views)
I'm 18 years old and just recently finished my first cycle ever. I was on RPN Havoc for 4 weeks, and since then have been off-cycling with Clomid at 100 mg/day for the first 2 weeks, then 50 mg/day for the following week. I am just beginning on my 50 mg/day week, but have one main concern, where is my sex drive and libido? Why do i feel im suffering from ED? This shit is not fun and i've heard multiple supplements that would help boost my libido (i.e. Horny Goat Weed, D-Asparatic Acid). I feel a lot of the issues may be psychological, but need some help in restoring that drive I had weeks ago. I have still been sexually active throughout my cycle and up until days ago when i was unable to achieve an erection. Need help, fast.


  1. schutterbox's Avatar
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    That is a problem... It most def is a big mental issue i have a similar issue... Ive been cycling on and off since high school (stupidly) but thats besides the fact... You need to take a post cycle of HCG... its an injection that needs to be refrigerated it comes in a 10cc bottle and on top of taking that you need to keep on novla or clomid which i see your already doing... If you cant get it you should def look into an over the counter pill that vie used time and time again without fail on my WORST days and it seems to be like the magic pill it is unfortunate that we need to resort to shit this young but whatever... The pills called stiff nites and its a red pill you can buy in 711 and like i said its awesome... or the other one is called samurai both very good from personal experience... as for horny goat weed yes i would def take that and also take L arginine ethyl ester... horny goat weed raises libido and the arginine help vasodialate and send more blood...
  2. BCDude's Avatar
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    IMAO, you should not be juicing until you are 25 years old, let you body mature on its own, train, and then later you can make that decision. You are setting yourself up for long-term problems.
  3. Napolean87's Avatar
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    No doubt, While your body is producing good levels on its own... lift, work, fight, screw... get your body on its own high... when you get older you won't have that option and may take on a little supplemental cycle here and there. My post cycle is definitely not something made from lady piss.. and I never have that problem. I think it might be in your head, but to be safe id get my blood pressure checked.. to be that young and not get a bone post cycle or no. I mean a little over sensitive and a bit more touched by tear jerker films yea but boner loss all together is something else. Id stay off the juice from now on..
  4. Napolean87's Avatar
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    PS, I turn into a sex hungry beast when I cycle.. You probably do to... so don't confuse the lack of a monster sex thirst as a loss in your natural stamina