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Testoterone cyponate questions

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by , 03-04-2010 at 10:19 PM (585 Views)
I've been working out for about 5 years now, i'm a pretty experience lifter. I only take protien and pre work out nitro boosters like superpump 250 and jacked. I'm curious about taking testoteron cyponate; I've never taken something like this. I was curious about any advice I wanna do a 20 week cycle with injecting myself twice a week. Any comments and feedback will be appreaciated thank you


  1. Two4the$$'s Avatar
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    Should probably frontload. 2.5x your weekly amount the first week will avoid wasting the first 5 weeks. It sounds scary, but don't panic by the sounds of the advice -- what you should be concerned with is the amount of active (parent hormone) circulating in your system; not the frequency of injections, or amount of oil, as those are arbitrary. If you're concerned about testing what volume your most responsive to, then do so with a short half life ester, prop, or suspension.