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need help

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by , 10-25-2010 at 09:18 AM (597 Views)
Hey guys I'm look for help I'm 18 and I'm 190 I'm not fat I do got muscle I'm looking to bulk up fast I took anadrol and I didn't really fell anything.... Anyone think of anything ????


  1. stripling's Avatar
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    how tall are you? you're pretty young for this aren't you? why do you "need" to bulk up? what's your body fat %? how much do you work out?

    i'd say if you took anadrol (holy crap, that stuff scares me) and it did nothing then 1) it was fake 2) you took one of those non-steroid steroids (see #1.. it was fake) 3) you didn't dose it right 4) your diet does not include enough protein or 5) you got ripped off 'cause you anadrol was fake

    was it your 1st cycle ever? how long did you take it at what dosage? you gotta fill us in or we can't help.