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dont know where to start????

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by , 10-27-2010 at 08:58 PM (592 Views)
Iv been training for a year... just using supplements noxplode... jack3d.... i want to beef up ALOT.... DONT KNOW WHERE TO START!!!! Im 25 6ft 170lbs...... any help would be awesome!!!


  1. Hard2Gain's Avatar
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    Read. Read alot! Honestly, having done only two cycles myself I would strongly suggest that you put in more time at the gym for now. It is more important that you take your body to the max possible naturally before you jump on the juice bus. Seriously, you need to build up your tendons and what not before your strength shoots through the roof. You will be surprised how much a strong diet and good work out plan can net you. Get the basics down first. Make sure you are taking in enough clean calories. Take in at least 1.5-2 grams of protein per lb of body weight. If you are looking to bulk up, I suggest basing your workouts around the 3 main lifts. Do a search for BossHoggs program. It really does work well. Search Search Search!