Originally Posted by Dgs59 Originally Posted by i_SLAM_cougars It differs from person to person, but I’d say about 2,000mg a week is the point of diminishing returns Right, so does this mean that body will build the tolerance against it if you keep using for say 1000mg EW? Testosterone is a naturally occurring hormone so no we don’t build up a tolerance otherwise we would all be walking around like zombies with zero test naturally imho...
Originally Posted by Poysfxom For instance...a recent response "The side effects are FAR greater with Superdrol, I get essentially none with Masteron." They may be kind of the same on paper but both are far different compounds not really worth comparing imho...what is your goal for your cycle?...and what ashop meant was that the superdrol will make you feel lethargic and like crap, the masteron will make you feel good with no side effect essentially...