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do i have to cycle.

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by , 11-10-2012 at 12:21 PM (657 Views)
Quote Originally Posted by juststartingnow View Post
hello again, i just did 2ccs of testoviron, how long should i expect to feel effects, and will i bloat with this, without cycling.. what happens if i only work out two to three times a week , im looking to cut weight, and gain muscle. thanks..


  1. jakeaintabunt's Avatar
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    dude you should workout more if your juicing your just wasting your cycle
  2. juststartingnow's Avatar
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    how many times a week, and should i conyinue cardio.
  3. jakeaintabunt's Avatar
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    yeas you should always keep your heart health goood. i usually jog 10-15 minutes for a warm up of every workout. just enough to get oxygen flowing through your bloodstream, when your bodybuilding you dont want to be jogging for more than 15 minutes at a time, because running really does eat at your muscle. while cycling ill be in the gym 6 days a week usually, it all depends on what your goals training are. if you want to bulk id maybe just go 4-5 and make sure your crushing mad calls all day every day, if your cutting up hit the gym hard and do more cardio and anaerobic exercises small meals 6-8 a day.