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by , 11-14-2007 at 01:48 PM (1219 Views)
This is my first blog entry. My name is Alex, i've been a member here at for almost three years. I'm currently studying pre-med at the UofU and take the MCAT this coming summer. For anyone out there with good study prep and materials for the MCAT, let me know.

I've been married for two 1/2 years, we have a 2 year old son together named Carter, coolest pimp daddy in the whole damn word. I'm 26 years old, 6'00", 210lbs, my favorite compounds are tren/prop/winny. Ummm, i like long walks on the beach......yeah


  1. mister.fantastic's Avatar
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    cool, it worked..
  2. Merc..'s Avatar
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    cool !!!