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Anti-Estrogen During 1st Cycle?

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by , 05-23-2012 at 07:41 PM (378 Views)
Im 18 just started a sus 250 cycle 250 mg a week for 5 weeks, do i need anti estrogen?


  1. bigdrop's Avatar
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    Well besides the obvious answer to advise you not to use aas at 18 seeings how your hormones arent even peaked yet, you didnt ask for my opinion so, the answer would be yes, chances are your not going to experience any serious sides besides a little bloat in that time sequence, but some users are prone to certain sides so start low does break it up, i usually do something like 200-300 mg every 3 days so like monday and thursday to try and keep levels balanced. id probably use a low dose ai on cycle and youll have no problems Make ssure youve got some pct and at your age might want to invest in some acne wash, the skin gets oily, good luck brother!
  2. Murphyguns's Avatar
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    Thanks a lot man appreciate you input! Any way to avoid the bloat ? Because I'm trying to cut on it , i just dropped to 13% bf from 25 to take this . And if i only take 250 once a week will i even see size results ? or just side effects?
  3. rampaige77's Avatar
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    1st cycle you will see gains