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  1. how do i get my hands on a post cycle, every one has the juice not the pct

    by , 04-03-2011 at 06:36 AM
    i try an see my doctor, he says get off the juice ur body will jus go back to normal, this is my second cycle, first was 2 years ago i ran 10 ml deca 10 ml enanthate over 10 wks, this time i ran 10 ml deca to ml sus250 over 10 weeks, been 3 weeks sice last pinned an still cant get a pct, i dont know bout internet sites, they all seem shithouse, an im in sydney, so i know shit aint gunna get thru customs easy, so i dunno, any ideas, how important are pct if u only do 3 weekers with a long 10 week ...