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Sis pacis instruo pro bellum:

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by , 01-02-2012 at 06:37 PM (2336 Views)
Sis pacis instruo pro bellum Throughout history war has been an aspect to peace. Every religion, politic, and organization has it's own view of the definition of peace. Whether it's for the lust for power or to eradicate chaos, there is always a battle to be fought regardless of the consequence. Though we hear the lament of innocence; we try so hard to preserve that small essence of happiness. In a time of war: violence, chaos, and death are the gods. Spreading their wrath among humanity itself, when it was all along us human creating them. We fight our neighbors or friends, we fight our enemies, and above all we fight ourselves.
One of the biggest effect of war being part of "peace," is during the time of Crusaders (Christianity) vs. Al Mualim (Muslim). This war has been waging for ages since the existence of both religion. One part of humanity with specific criteria of their own thinks negatively about the other side, and vice versa. As long as two sides exist, so should the fact that there might be a conflict between the two. As for those in search of peace, it is inevitable that no matter how hard they try. They can only do little effect of what was started centuries ago.


