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  1. starting cycle of test and sus

    by , 09-17-2012 at 07:37 PM
    doing a cycle of test cyp 100 and sus 250.
    gunna do 10 wks.
    wk1-test 2cc (200mg)
    wk2- sus 1cc (250mg)
    wk3-sus 2cc (500)
    wk4-sus 2cc (500)
    wk5-test 4cc (400)
    wk6-test 4cc (400)
    wk7-test 4cc (400)
    wk8-test 3cc (300)
    wk9-test 2cc(200)
    wk10-test 2cc(200)
    i have an est blocker and pct and over counter test booster.
    Just would like to know if you guys think my cycle is fairly solid
    im 21, 5'9'' 195 with ...