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I am 50 y/o and it looks like I may have a full year to cycle. I originally reached out to a couple of people in PM but I will post it here hoping that some newbie doesn't think this is normal recreational use. I have been competing for 5'years now so I know that I will not win Mr. O. I am also on slef prescribed TRT (169 total T and Dr says TRT is too risky).
I am planning on 3 cycles until next competition. 1 bulk for 14 weeks, 1 bulk for 12 weeks, and one cut for 8 weeks. I plan on resting 6 weeks between each. I want to push it, but not cross the line.
Bulk 1 Deca/test. 750/625
Bulk2 NPP/test. 600/625
Cut test/tren/mast/winny 300/300/300/300
Winny is injectable
I have never used NPP. I start with decca because it has always been good to me. 1st bulk cycle is what I used last year. No plateuas for 16 weeks, just adding more weight or reps. It was incredible. I would also start out with dbol to get things rolling.
Please provide any insight you may have. I have a new vial of EQ but have never used that either. I need a transformation to keep up with the young ones. LOL