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Thread: Competition cycling

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2015

    Competition cycling

    I am 50 y/o and it looks like I may have a full year to cycle. I originally reached out to a couple of people in PM but I will post it here hoping that some newbie doesn't think this is normal recreational use. I have been competing for 5'years now so I know that I will not win Mr. O. I am also on slef prescribed TRT (169 total T and Dr says TRT is too risky).
    I am planning on 3 cycles until next competition. 1 bulk for 14 weeks, 1 bulk for 12 weeks, and one cut for 8 weeks. I plan on resting 6 weeks between each. I want to push it, but not cross the line.
    Bulk 1 Deca/test. 750/625
    Bulk2 NPP/test. 600/625
    Cut test/tren/mast/winny 300/300/300/300
    Winny is injectable
    I have never used NPP. I start with decca because it has always been good to me. 1st bulk cycle is what I used last year. No plateuas for 16 weeks, just adding more weight or reps. It was incredible. I would also start out with dbol to get things rolling.
    Please provide any insight you may have. I have a new vial of EQ but have never used that either. I need a transformation to keep up with the young ones. LOL

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by charger69 View Post
    I am 50 y/o and it looks like I may have a full year to cycle. I originally reached out to a couple of people in PM but I will post it here hoping that some newbie doesn't think this is normal recreational use. I have been competing for 5'years now so I know that I will not win Mr. O. I am also on slef prescribed TRT (169 total T and Dr says TRT is too risky).
    I am planning on 3 cycles until next competition. 1 bulk for 14 weeks, 1 bulk for 12 weeks, and one cut for 8 weeks. I plan on resting 6 weeks between each. I want to push it, but not cross the line.
    Bulk 1 Deca/test. 750/625
    Bulk2 NPP/test. 600/625
    Cut test/tren/mast/winny 300/300/300/300
    Winny is injectable
    I have never used NPP. I start with decca because it has always been good to me. 1st bulk cycle is what I used last year. No plateuas for 16 weeks, just adding more weight or reps. It was incredible. I would also start out with dbol to get things rolling.
    Please provide any insight you may have. I have a new vial of EQ but have never used that either. I need a transformation to keep up with the young ones. LOL
    Lower the test in my opinion on the bulk cycles and it will yield better results. Other than that I would go for it.
    This is not that dangerous in comparison to a lot ofcompetitors.
    The higher a level of comp you take it too the longer the competitors cycle and at heavier dosages. Good luck, drop the test to 200mg a week and free up some receptors for the nandrolone to do its thing.

    It's never safe, but we chase our dreams anyway.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    Thanks a bunch Obs! What about the NPP dosage? I do not have experience with it, so I am not sure on the dosage.

  4. #4
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    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by charger69 View Post
    Thanks a bunch Obs! What about the NPP dosage? I do not have experience with it, so I am not sure on the dosage.
    I dont either actually, I always ran deca. Its the same thing deca just lasts longer and npp is probably a little safer as far as sides go. Dosage looks fine to me. I was fixing to do a 200 test 700npp cycle.
    Looking like tren though now.
    Last edited by Obs; 08-06-2017 at 11:00 AM. Reason: Swapped npp with deca. Tired

  5. #5
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    Apr 2007
    I hope you didnt read that last post before I edited it.
    Very tired. Good day to all i am out.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obspowerstroke View Post
    I hope you didnt read that last post before I edited it.
    Very tired. Good day to all i am out.
    I guess you need to up your ephedrine. LOL

  7. #7
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    Apr 2015
    Well, my source cannot get NPP. Any other suggestions for my second bulk?

  8. #8
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    Apr 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by Obspowerstroke View Post
    I dont either actually, I always ran deca. Its the same thing deca just lasts longer and npp is probably a little safer as far as sides go. Dosage looks fine to me. I was fixing to do a 200 test 700npp cycle.
    Looking like tren though now.
    Why are you using tren as a bulk? Have you used tren before as a bulk? Why tren over decca or NPP?

  9. #9
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    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by charger69 View Post
    Why are you using tren as a bulk? Have you used tren before as a bulk? Why tren over decca or NPP?
    People call tren a cutter but fact is it is just simply the cleanest bulker or cutter. It was developed to put lean mass on cattle that live three years.
    Tren is just simply the strongest there is.

    Your second bulk could easily be deca again.
    If you dared...
    You know the risks.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Obspowerstroke View Post
    People call tren a cutter but fact is it is just simply the cleanest bulker or cutter. It was developed to put lean mass on cattle that live three years.
    Tren is just simply the strongest there is.

    Your second bulk could easily be deca again.
    If you dared...
    You know the risks.
    I have also only used tren for cutting and I am Aware that all AAS can be used as either, depending on your diet. Tren leaves a funny taste in my mouth which limits my hunger. Also, the deca cycle has been so good to me, that it raised my curiosity why you would select tren over deca. Maybe I just need to try tren for a bulk and I will understand.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by charger69 View Post
    I have also only used tren for cutting and I am Aware that all AAS can be used as either, depending on your diet. Tren leaves a funny taste in my mouth which limits my hunger. Also, the deca cycle has been so good to me, that it raised my curiosity why you would select tren over deca. Maybe I just need to try tren for a bulk and I will understand.
    Tren or Deca are my two favorites equally. I have bulked and cut on both. They both yielded phenomenal result. Mostly because my training, diet and rest was on point.

    Here is how I would do my cycles if I were to compete again.

    Bulk 125mg Test E, 400mg Deca or 300mg Tren E
    Cutting 125mg Test E 200mg Deca or 150-200mg Tren
    “If you can't explain it to a second grader, you probably don't understand it yourself.” Albert Einstein

    "Juice slow, train smart, it's a long journey."

    "In a world full of pussies, being a redneck is not a bad thing."

    Body building is a way of life..........but can not get in the way of your life.

    No Source Check Please, I don't know of any.

    Depressed? Healthy Way Out!

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  12. #12
    Never tried low test before, always here and read guys love it. Maybe I'm old fashioned like dave palumbo. Lol too each their own

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by mrlittleman View Post
    Never tried low test before, always here and read guys love it. Maybe I'm old fashioned like dave palumbo. Lol too each their own
    That makes 2 of us, but I think that I have you beat in the old category. LOL

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  14. #14
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    Oct 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by mrlittleman View Post
    Never tried low test before, always here and read guys love it. Maybe I'm old fashioned like dave palumbo. Lol too each their own
    Quote Originally Posted by charger69 View Post
    That makes 2 of us, but I think that I have you beat in the old category. LOL

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    The thinking is, much like you take novadex to block extra estrogen from binding to the estrogen receptor. When you take a compound with a higher binding affinity than test it effectively blocks it from binding to the androgen receptor. So if you're running a ton of test with a ton of Deca or Tren. You are wasting a good portion of the Tests effects and increasing the chances of sides. Because test is never going to out compete those two compounds unless you run those in low levels and run test very high. So what would be the point of that?

    In essence, when you run Deca and Test together in the same amounts. Your gains are coming from the Deca and your sides are coming from the test because all it's doing is floating around getting converted by aromatase because it's not binding to anything else.
    “If you can't explain it to a second grader, you probably don't understand it yourself.” Albert Einstein

    "Juice slow, train smart, it's a long journey."

    "In a world full of pussies, being a redneck is not a bad thing."

    Body building is a way of life..........but can not get in the way of your life.

    No Source Check Please, I don't know of any.

    Depressed? Healthy Way Out!

    Tips For Young Lifters

    MuscleScience Training Log

  15. #15
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    Baking chicken
    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleScience View Post
    The thinking is, much like you take novadex to block extra estrogen from binding to the estrogen receptor. When you take a compound with a higher binding affinity than test it effectively blocks it from binding to the androgen receptor. So if you're running a ton of test with a ton of Deca or Tren. You are wasting a good portion of the Tests effects and increasing the chances of sides. Because test is never going to out compete those two compounds unless you run those in low levels and run test very high. So what would be the point of that?

    In essence, when you run Deca and Test together in the same amounts. Your gains are coming from the Deca and your sides are coming from the test because all it's doing is floating around getting converted by aromatase because it's not binding to anything else.
    We're all different - I like this conversation although our bodies are made for testosterone inmo(without it we would be much less androgenic period with more feminine features) but that's another conversation, too, however during competition cycling I can see using 500mgs test wkly and it not effecting the AR completely - if your trying to grow into your prep I think a decent dose of test is needed but if recomping I can also see MS' point of view - I know plenty of people who've ran low test high deca/or teen or both.... I've always ran a decent amount of test with all my cycles and if I'm doing a SBC(short burst cycling) and repriming than hitting another after I've used high test and high ace at 6wks(leaving it open ended until my window has stopped or slowed significantly) but say 1g test 6-700 ace for a short period I got awesome results

    Now if your trying to cut out water especially towards the end of a long prep I can see dropping test to 300 then none in the last wk(s) two max(may be a tad long I'm not sure playing around with things myself) but I do want to try a lower test higher compound with a backload of winny or drol to lean out and fill out...

    MS - I know your a big believer in the 19nors binding to the AR over anything and I agree with tren more so but when you bulk do you bring your test up??

  16. #16
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    Baking chicken
    Quote Originally Posted by charger69 View Post
    I am 50 y/o and it looks like I may have a full year to cycle. I originally reached out to a couple of people in PM but I will post it here hoping that some newbie doesn't think this is normal recreational use. I have been competing for 5'years now so I know that I will not win Mr. O. I am also on slef prescribed TRT (169 total T and Dr says TRT is too risky).
    I am planning on 3 cycles until next competition. 1 bulk for 14 weeks, 1 bulk for 12 weeks, and one cut for 8 weeks. I plan on resting 6 weeks between each. I want to push it, but not cross the line.
    Bulk 1 Deca/test. 750/625
    Bulk2 NPP/test. 600/625
    Cut test/tren/mast/winny 300/300/300/300
    Winny is injectable
    I have never used NPP. I start with decca because it has always been good to me. 1st bulk cycle is
    what I used last year. No plateuas for 16 weeks, just adding more weight or reps. It was incredible. I would also start out with dbol to get things rolling.
    Please provide any insight you may have. I have a new vial of EQ but have never used that either. I need a transformation to keep up with the young ones. LOL
    On your cut I'd up your other compounds tren 450-500, mast 5-600, winny 500 I did something similar with high test just held more water b/c I was bulking

    Regarding the npp I honestly think it's a much better compound to stay leaner especially if running prop byt as you know your diet is the key for this all - on your bulk eat big but keep it like a recomp so you don't gain too much bf then switch your compounds to suit your goals - you could also start lower than I put and up it 3-4 wks out or at least 2 wks with the winny keep mast and tren higher throughout - just my opinion but also I like your test at 750 while bulking and you could even go 700 on npp or basically a 1:1 ratio I like 1:2(ish)

  17. #17
    kelkel's Avatar
    kelkel is offline HRT Specialist ~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~ No Source Checks
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    Does anyone have any studies supporting the idea that progestins actually over-power tests AR binding affinity? Or is it supposition at this time?
    -*- NO SOURCE CHECKS -*-

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