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I agree that I stand at 231 lbs and that 161.7 is the LBM which equates to around 2400 cals per day. (69.3lbs)I meant amount of fat you have here not sure what you meant there? may be KG?
So ok for a cut we aim for around 2200 cals per day divided into meals as outlined above... which I will work on this weekend as it is a 3 day break for bank holiday and gives me time to research everything
What percentage is protein/fat/carb? 50/30/20 or 45/35/20
I am used to training 7 days, Monday to Friday weights followed by 30-45 minutes on stepper/treadmill and then Saturday and sunday 1 hour cardio on stepper/treadmill, I find that going 7 days keeps me in the routine...
Monday I will train chest, 30 min cardio
Tuesday I will train quads and calves, 30 min cardio
Wednesday I will do 1 hour cardio
Thursday I will train Traps and Back, 30 min cardio
Friday I will train Shoulders and Hams, 30 min cardio
Saturday I will train Bi and Tri, 30 min cardio
Sunday 1 hour Cardio
Generally I work hams with quads in a legs day. Add biceps and triceps with chest and shoulders.
This gives you an extra day cardio / off. we grow outside rest is essential.
As for cardio I have began to like calorie target sessions rather than time. gives you a goal to hit. harder ypu work the quicker you can stop.
Let me know what you think
Eventually when my strength grows back to a decent level I will incorporate abs on either Wednesday or Sunday, but lets try and see them first through a clean diet and plenty of cardio....Id still incorporate some abs / core work
I will try and up the cardio to 45 minutes after my work outs, the only time I can do cardio is after work, I know that you wil suggest doing cardio on an empty stomach first thing, fasted cardio, but I am up at 6.30 and have to be at work for 7.45. I am not a person who finds it easy to go to sleep nor do I find it easy to wake up in the morning, I have worked nights for 5 years and adjusting back to day hours is v.difficult for me. I finish work at 6pm head to the gym for around 7pm and then stay there till it closes around 9pm, that's my week done.
a question, do you think I will be ok to train straight through mon-fri and leave just sat and sun for cardio...
Answered above