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Thread: Cutting Tummy Fat??

  1. #1

    Cutting Tummy Fat??

    Hi All,

    I am new to this forum and here as feeling a bit lost.

    Need your help to few of my questions.

    I was 79 Kgs and started exercising and really worked hard with all sort or Aerobics and Swimming. This did not help me shed any weight more than 4 kgs. Probably that was the water content that I lost in the starting stage.

    Later on I took the GNC Burn 60 two tablets pre workout (one hour before workout) as suggested by one of my friend for three months and this helped me cut down till 68 kgs. This was impressive and everyone noticed the difference. Now I am stuck. I think Burn 60 is no more working. I stopped it for a month and started again but it's all in vain. I have become leaner but the tummy fat still remains bothersome. Pants and Shirts become loosened but I am tired with all lower abs and core exercise and this is not getting me to anything lesser. I want a trimmed tummy portion so that I can work on to put on a six pack abs.

    I want to lose fats around the tummy and drop down to ideally 60 Kgs and supplement with Protein or whatever so that the core abs become visible with cuts and defined abs. I am not talking about the bulging abs but yes the definition quiet visible and later on will think what to do. But now the fats around the tummy is no where making me realise and believe that I can have a abs of that kind.

    The question is Friends who helped me bring here are suggesting Clen and T3 Cycle. Is it worth that?? If yes what dose is advisable for me and how long it will approximately take for me to be at 60 kgs taking that. Is it Safe to have the both and how long having it is ideal. Can I stop that abruptly when I reach my ideal weight goal.

    Please help and guide me as I am clueless what to do.

    If I am allowed I can post few of my present abs pic so that you can see and guide. Thought will seek your opinion first then think of doing something. It's really embarrassing to see my tummy. It has become loosened and when I pinch that I really feel very bad as nothing is happening.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    Your goal is 100% attainable naturally. No drugs needed. You need to work on how you eat. That's what will shed the bodyfat for you.

  3. #3
    Sorry I also would like to tell you what I generally eat thoughout a day.

    5:00 AM Sprouts and 5 Egg Whites with GNC Burn 60 (Two Tablets)

    5:45 AM Hit the Gym and Run around and do all sorts to burn

    7:45 to 8:00 AM 5 Egg Whites

    9:00 AM 250 ml of Milk with Muesli or Oats or Wheetabix Mini Choco

    11:00 to 12:00 PM Carry grinder Raw green Vegetables of all sort except potatoes. Feel like just vomiting drinking them but I have become crazy and just keep doing it.

    2:00 PM Four Brown Bread with Peanut butter. This I carry from home to my office.

    4:00 PM Again Four Brown Bread with the same Peanut Butter. I know it's crazy again but I do not get anything out and conservative approach to not eating makes me feel good that I am not eating much. Some days in place of bread k have roasted chicken breast close to 400 gms. Sometimes when I feel really bothered have some white rice with chicken. Sometimes I carry boiled chicken with me from home and have it regular interval in the afternoon.

    6:00 PM Sometimes have Subway Bread with Roasted Chicken. It's very rare but try to preserve something from the afternoon and have it here so that I do not feel hungry.

    8:00 PM Boiled Green Vegetables, Dates around 100 GMs

    9:00 Run for 6 kms

    11:00 Sleep after doing some studying. Usually sleep around 12:00 and than then the next day follow.

    Sorry I am troubling you with all this but actually I am helpless and not getting any way out. Want to see a beach body before I die.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    Id Cut your carbs. But thats me

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by vbguy View Post
    Id Cut your carbs.
    Please suggest something what I should cut from the top and what I can add.

    I am ideally getting nothing actually to eat something that will give me some energy to workout if I am subtracting something from the above.

  6. #6
    I have posted down what I eat. Please suggest something.

  7. #7
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    Jan 2015
    Rice...cut it, bread...cut it. I generally when cutting is no bread,dairy, no sugar, ect. Weigh and count everything. I also cut red meats to a minimum. When cutting that is
    Last edited by vbguy; 01-13-2015 at 12:55 PM.

  8. #8
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    Mar 2005
    OP, how tall are you? Unless you are oddly short (which is ok), I don't see why anyone would want to cut down to 132 pounds (60kg)?? Do you happen to know what your body fat % is? Go ahead and post the pics so we can critique. I realize you want the 6 pack abs to look good, but keep in mind that skin and bones looks much worse than a soft mid-section.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by musclestack View Post
    OP, how tall are you?
    I am 5 Feet and 5 Inches. I am thinking if I go down to 7 kgs more and more of fats around the tummy then I willtry in to put in more muscle mass and come back to 65 with some definition in arms, chest and Abs.

    Quote Originally Posted by musclestack View Post
    Do you happen to know what your body fat % is?
    When I was 74kgs I just walked down for a non surgical liposuction place and there they had something where they made me stand with two handles in the hand that showed that the body fat % was at 22%. I think it would have dropped by this time to some more but not sure. People around are saying that i look more yound but I am not able to have that feel goo factor with this because of the tummy. I had been working very hard for the abs, just want to ensure that I am not hurting the back in this process of getting slimmer. So was thinking if the Clen and T3 Cycle will help me go down a bit and have a body fat will hover around 10%.

    I will psot few pics tonight.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by mechsubrat View Post
    I have posted down what I eat. Please suggest something.
    What are ur daily total macros?

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by --->>405<<--- View Post
    What are ur daily total macros?
    What does that mean?? Sorry for sounding such naive.....

  12. #12
    GirlyGymRat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mechsubrat
    What does that mean?? Sorry for sounding such naive.....
    How many gram of protein, fat and carbs are you eating per day.

    Btw those handheld devices aren't the most accurate for body fat. Bod pod is better choice but does cost a few approx 75$.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by mechsubrat View Post
    I am 5 Feet and 5 Inches. I am thinking if I go down to 7 kgs more and more of fats around the tummy then I willtry in to put in more muscle mass and come back to 65 with some definition in arms, chest and Abs.

    When I was 74kgs I just walked down for a non surgical liposuction place and there they had something where they made me stand with two handles in the hand that showed that the body fat % was at 22%. I think it would have dropped by this time to some more but not sure. People around are saying that i look more yound but I am not able to have that feel goo factor with this because of the tummy. I had been working very hard for the abs, just want to ensure that I am not hurting the back in this process of getting slimmer. So was thinking if the Clen and T3 Cycle will help me go down a bit and have a body fat will hover around 10%.

    I will psot few pics tonight.
    I mean this with all do respect.... But going from 22% to 10% is gonna be mega difficult. Clen and T3 "might help" but you really need to fine tune your diet. From what Ive seen from your post.... You have a lot of learing to do to get to 10%. But thats ok..!!... We all start somewhere. Go over to BB and learn about how to fine tune your diet. I think clen is more geared toward those who have a really low bf count that need a boost... And that bost is going to cost you as clen can be pretty hard on your body. Either way.... Read up on how to eat and then go from there. You will be surprised what your body will do when you nail your diet. Good luck mate and keep us posted

  14. #14
    GirlyGymRat's Avatar
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    Members here will help you fine tune your diet!

  15. #15
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    You can't spot reduce fat, you just have to lose fat mass overall and some places will come after others, for example i'd have to get to a really low bodyfat to get my love handles to shrink, and to me this isn't worth it. Getting to an extremely low bodyfat to get rid of a troubling area comes with consequences on your organs, hormones etc so you need to weigh up if getting to a really low bodyfat is going to be worth the side effects.

    Start by tracking your macros and finding your TDEE (total daily energy expenditure). You can just google 'TDEE calculator' and it will tell you your estimated TDEE, try eating that many calories for a few weeks and see how your body responds, if you maintain weight through those few weeks then this estimation is your maintenance calories, take 300-500 from there and you have yourself a good start.

    Finding your macros is also easy, 1g per pound of bodyweight for your protein, about 150g for you, with your muscle mass you would be fine with 100-120g. .4-.6g of fat per pound of bodyweight, i'd suggest sitting around 60g and the rest of your calories from carbs.

    Lastly, i suggest using the app 'myfitnesspal' which will basically set all of this out for you, just get the free app, enter in your details and it will give you a suggested macro breakdown and daily caloric target.

    Be patient and try not to cut too fast, the faster you cut the more muscle you'll sacrifice, and if your goal is the ever evasive abs which are made of muscle, losing them would be quite counter-productive. Aim to lose .5-1kg a week.

    And drop the supplements, they all suck, no need for drugs that could potentially harm you. Your on the right track with a good diet and exercise, just be persistent and you'll reach your goals with time.

    Hope this helps.

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by Khazima View Post
    Hope this helps.
    Thanks Khazima, Yes it helps a lot and that was something really really motivating and I will definitely try this.

  17. #17
    Attachment 154835Attachment 154836Attachment 154837Attachment 154838Attachment 154839

    Its embarassing to post such fatty pics but I really want you to please have a look and let me know if I can transform myself to a 10 to 12% of fat percentage with defined cuts in the abs and yes overall a toned body. What I get in this process of transformation will keep it and always maintain.

  18. #18
    Its embarassing to post such fatty pics but I really want you to please have a look and let me know if I can transform myself to a 10 to 12% of fat percentage with defined cuts in the abs and yes overall a toned body. What I get in this process of transformation will keep it and always maintain.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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  19. #19
    Quote Originally Posted by vbguy View Post
    Go over to BB and learn about how to fine tune your diet.
    Sorry for sounding again naive, but whats BB and How it can help??

    Thanks for all your motivation once again. I know I am in the right place.

  20. #20
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    Apr 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Khazima View Post
    You can't spot reduce fat, you just have to lose fat mass overall and some places will come after others, for example i'd have to get to a really low bodyfat to get my love handles to shrink, and to me this isn't worth it. Getting to an extremely low bodyfat to get rid of a troubling area comes with consequences on your organs, hormones etc so you need to weigh up if getting to a really low bodyfat is going to be worth the side effects.

    Start by tracking your macros and finding your TDEE (total daily energy expenditure). You can just google 'TDEE calculator' and it will tell you your estimated TDEE, try eating that many calories for a few weeks and see how your body responds, if you maintain weight through those few weeks then this estimation is your maintenance calories, take 300-500 from there and you have yourself a good start.

    Finding your macros is also easy, 1g per pound of bodyweight for your protein, about 150g for you, with your muscle mass you would be fine with 100-120g. .4-.6g of fat per pound of bodyweight, i'd suggest sitting around 60g and the rest of your calories from carbs.

    Lastly, i suggest using the app 'myfitnesspal' which will basically set all of this out for you, just get the free app, enter in your details and it will give you a suggested macro breakdown and daily caloric target.

    Be patient and try not to cut too fast, the faster you cut the more muscle you'll sacrifice, and if your goal is the ever evasive abs which are made of muscle, losing them would be quite counter-productive. Aim to lose .5-1kg a week.

    And drop the supplements, they all suck, no need for drugs that could potentially harm you. Your on the right track with a good diet and exercise, just be persistent and you'll reach your goals with time.

    Hope this helps.
    Hi, I agree that "myfitnespal" is a great app for tracking and super user friendly. Plus, it will help you get your F/P/C % nailed down and get you started with a diet plan and calories per/day. Get your BF% at a BOD POD COSMED Test Site Locator. This will be a great starting point for realistic goals and give you an accurate baseline. Here is some more resources for you to dive into.. Enjoy!

  21. #21
    This product is not available at my place and is there any other method that i can check the body fat.

  22. #22
    Bod Pod is not available in India freely and two locations have stopped using them.

    Could you have a look at my pic. Is building a six pack possible with this kind of fat around the tummy.

  23. #23
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    Aug 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by mechsubrat View Post
    Is building a six pack possible with this kind of fat around the tummy.
    It certainly is man, and in all honesty not as far away as you may think. Everyone has abs they're just hidden under a layer of fat, some peoples layer thicker than others. Just follow the outline i gave you and be patient, make sure you're seeing progress from week to week (scale numbers going down/looking leaner) and you'll be there in no time.

  24. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by Khazima View Post
    It certainly is man, and in all honesty not as far away as you may think. Everyone has abs they're just hidden under a layer of fat, some peoples layer thicker than others. Just follow the outline i gave you and be patient, make sure you're seeing progress from week to week (scale numbers going down/looking leaner) and you'll be there in no time.
    Thanks Khazima. I will stop asking and start burning the way you said.

    Will write back to you as I progress.

  25. #25
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    I had no Abs showing then I started this routine and dropped to 12% BF.
    It took me 4 months and I was very close to a six pack..bottom 2 still had a bit to much fat covering them, but I was happy. I am not 12% in my avatar but still have fair abs for an old guy.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by rhoag
    I had no Abs showing then I started this routine and dropped to 12% BF. It took me 4 months and I was very close to a six pack..bottom 2 still had a bit to much fat covering them, but I was happy. I am not 12% in my avatar but still have fair abs for an old guy.
    Fair abs for an old guy? Give yourself some credit dude. You look awesome in the avi.

  27. #27
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    Oct 2016
    don't take any garbage supplements . every one of your macros should be filled with FOOD. if you are very very very busy you could have a shake every now and then to reach protein goals for the day but thats about it , and creatine might help but completely unnecessary. So go into a caloric deficit PROPERLY for a couple months and see how you're doing/track progress every week .(not like i did a couple years ago and messed up my hormones)

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Oct 2016
    also you cant spot reduce fat .. it comes off your entire body

  29. #29
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sehdee View Post
    don't take any garbage supplements . every one of your macros should be filled with FOOD. if you are very very very busy you could have a shake every now and then to reach protein goals for the day but thats about it , and creatine might help but completely unnecessary. So go into a caloric deficit PROPERLY for a couple months and see how you're doing/track progress every week .(not like i did a couple years ago and messed up my hormones)
    Really old thread brother. U might want to pay attention to the dates. But good advice.

  30. #30
    Join Date
    Oct 2016
    oh wow i didnt even notice whoops lol. i wonder if he ever lost that weight

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