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Thread: Novice Needs Help with Nutrition - Percentage of Macro Nutrients

  1. #1

    Novice Needs Help with Nutrition - Percentage of Macro Nutrients

    Hi guys,

    The last thing I researched was "Do carbs turn into fat?", where I learnt a lot and I discovered that there are 2 ways to bulk and cut, which basically come down to caloric surplus and caloric deficit states and you cannot bulk without gaining some fat, you just have to keep that excess fat to a minimum.

    That thread can be found here for anyone thats interested:

    I'm back to find out more on dieting. There are lots of articles of percentage of proteins, carbs and fats so its all a bit confusing. I know I can't gain muscle and lose fat at the same time so I want to maintain my gains while cutting down my body fat.

    What is a good percentage ratio for doing this? (Carbs 40%, Protein 40%, Healthy Fats 20%)?

    Here are some stats/info which might help:

    BMR = 1661.8
    TDEE = 2285
    Body type = Ectomorph
    Natty = Yes
    Height = 5ft 9in
    Weight = 68 kg
    Bodybuilding = 1.75 years
    Weekly schedule = Weights 3 times, football 1 time
    Job = Office job

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    What's your bodyfat %?

    Macro splits don't make sense, you need roughly 1g protein per lb (about 150 for you), .4-.6g fat per lb (between 60-90g for you) and the rest of your calories from carbs.

  3. #3
    I would stick to a 40-40-20 split for simplicity. All macros in excess will be deposited as fat. Fat grams are simply easier at doing so, and carbs are what you should manipulate as far as what your goals are (cutting/bulking). I agree that unless your on gear you don't need an ass load of protein though.

  4. #4

    Bodyfat %

    Quote Originally Posted by Khazima View Post
    What's your bodyfat %?

    Macro splits don't make sense, you need roughly 1g protein per lb (about 150 for you), .4-.6g fat per lb (between 60-90g for you) and the rest of your calories from carbs.

    My bodyfat percentage is 13%. I recently came across a website that calculates it all based on factors like my endomorphic body type and workout intensity. It gives slightly higher stats than you mentioned above.

    Given your (khazima) recommendation you would suggest:

    Carbs (g) Protein (g) Fat (g) Total Calories
    -318g -150 -75 -2285 (TDEE)

    The website recommends:

    Carbs (g) Protein (g) Fat (g) Total Calories
    High -398 -210 -95 -3282
    Medium -329 -234 -84 -3047
    Low -329 -210 -84 -2813
    Non–training day -234 -234 -75 -2532

    Note: For your recommendation, how do I work out how many grams that should be? I always get confused between converting grams to calories and vice versa. They say:

    4g per calorie for protein/carbs
    9g per calorie for fat

    So should that be 318g Carbs?
    Last edited by superflyanimal; 02-11-2015 at 07:43 AM.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    You said you TDEE is 2300? So i'd start by eating at 2300 for a few weeks to find out if that's actually your maintenance or not, if you gain weight it's too much if you lose weight then your TDEE is above 2300 (how much above will be determined by how much weight you lost).

    Eating 2300 calories with 150g protein and 75g fat leavs 1025 calories for carbs which is about 250g.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by Khazima View Post
    You said you TDEE is 2300? So i'd start by eating at 2300 for a few weeks to find out if that's actually your maintenance or not, if you gain weight it's too much if you lose weight then your TDEE is above 2300 (how much above will be determined by how much weight you lost).

    Eating 2300 calories with 150g protein and 75g fat leaves 1025 calories for carbs which is about 250g.

    So I recorded my food intake for yesterday and the stats were:

    Calories: 2,978
    Protein: 125.8 (28%)
    Carbs: 229.6 (51%)
    Fat: 93.4 (21%)

    I am roughly 700 calories over my TDEE which could explain the excess fat. But as you mentioned, I should monitor my TDEE and try to consume a steady level of calories each day to see which way my weight fluctuates. I was going to try and go for a 40/40/20 split so if I record this food intake daily, I will be able to tweek my diet.

    It really does help having a daily food diary, so you can see in front of you what your diet is actually like rather than just guessing it, because as we all know, our food consumption estimate tends to be biased. It is a scientific fact that people lie to themselves, but the figures don't lie. This is interesting, I think this food diary will really help me with my self improvement and development.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by superflyanimal View Post
    So I recorded my food intake for yesterday and the stats were:

    Calories: 2,978
    Protein: 125.8 (28%)
    Carbs: 229.6 (51%)
    Fat: 93.4 (21%)

    I am roughly 700 calories over my TDEE which could explain the excess fat. But as you mentioned, I should monitor my TDEE and try to consume a steady level of calories each day to see which way my weight fluctuates. I was going to try and go for a 40/40/20 split so if I record this food intake daily, I will be able to tweek my diet.

    It really does help having a daily food diary, so you can see in front of you what your diet is actually like rather than just guessing it, because as we all know, our food consumption estimate tends to be biased. It is a scientific fact that people lie to themselves, but the figures don't lie. This is interesting, I think this food diary will really help me with my self improvement and development.
    Your calculations are wrong:

    125,8grs protein = 503cals = 22,2%
    229,6grs carbs = 918,4cals = 40,6%
    93,4grs fat = 840,6 cals = 37,16%

    Total 2262cals. Underating and way too much fat

    How did sum the amounts of carbs, protein and fat?

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.BB View Post
    Your calculations are wrong:

    125,8grs protein = 503cals = 22,2%
    229,6grs carbs = 918,4cals = 40,6%
    93,4grs fat = 840,6 cals = 37,16%

    Total 2262cals. Underating and way too much fat

    How did sum the amounts of carbs, protein and fat?

    I think I had a set amount of grams of protein, carbs and fat as a target. I've the stuff written in work, I'll reply to this tomorrow. Damn, that couldn't be right. I really need to sort that out if thats the percentages, lol.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by superflyanimal View Post
    I think I had a set amount of grams of protein, carbs and fat as a target. I've the stuff written in work, I'll reply to this tomorrow. Damn, that couldn't be right. I really need to sort that out if thats the percentages, lol.
    If you used myfitnesspal, there's a few foods that don't register the nutrients but it still counts the calories, which could make up for the missing nutrients from the total calories. I try to pick the options that have all the protein/carbs/fats.

  10. #10

    How I calculated percentages

    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.BB View Post
    Your calculations are wrong:

    125,8grs protein = 503cals = 22,2%
    229,6grs carbs = 918,4cals = 40,6%
    93,4grs fat = 840,6 cals = 37,16%

    Total 2262cals. Underating and way too much fat

    How did sum the amounts of carbs, protein and fat?
    The way I calculated it was to add up the total grams of protein, carbs, fat
    = 125.8 + 229.6 + 93.4
    = 444.8

    Then take a percentage for this, so for protein...
    = (125.8/44.8) * 100
    = 22.2%

    So the correct way to do it is what you done and convert these to calories then work out the percentages. Damn, my diet is far worse than I thought then.

  11. #11
    Yesterdays results:

    Total grams...

    P: 147.8g (591.2 calories) 21.4%
    C: 271.0 (1084.0 calories) 39.2%
    F: 120.4 (1083.6 calories) 39.2%

    Total calories = 2758.8 calories
    TDEE = 2285 calories
    Balance = +473.8 calories

    I guess I need to start looking into more healthier meals with more protein and less fat
    Last edited by superflyanimal; 02-16-2015 at 10:39 AM. Reason: calculation mistake

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    P: 147.8*4=591.2cals ----> thats the only thing wrong, all the rest is correct

    yes, you should eat much cleaner, and try to reach 3000

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