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Thread: All gains lost in 3 weeks after going on vegan diet while doing intermittent fasting

  1. #1

    All gains lost in 3 weeks after going on vegan diet while doing intermittent fasting

    So I lost all my gains 3 weeks after going on vegan diet while doing intermittent fasting..
    I saw a video somewhere where a competitive bodybuilder said how when he travels and theres nothing healthy to eat, he fasts...
    So I had to do that.. for a few days, having 2 small meals sometimes.

    It really sucks because I came off a SARMS cycle at 175... lost 6 pounds rather rapidly and then was maintaining 169 lbs while working out 5 - 6 times per week, and yes I was doing powerlifting and bodybuilding together. And that was just to maintain 169 pounds... didn't gain a pound!

    Then I decide to go vegan after researching all the start to travel for a bit and BOOM

    Information such as RBGH and RBST contained in dairy products such as milk which has (RBGH) Recovre brough growth hormone.
    And all the hormones farmed animals are injected with which cause health issues..
    As well some other stuff...

    So this doesnt leave much room for choices when it comes to food...
    On top of that I'm absolutely clueless when it comes to calculating your macros and figuring out portion sizes for your calories in...

    So now I'm at 160 pounds, with some access fat around my belly... (which was always there).
    Seems like intermitent fasting didn't take off the belly fat like it promised to do... instead of getting shredded I lost muscle mass!
    What a bunch of balony.... and I ain't no slouch in the gym either... I go 1 hour kickboxing then 1 hour serious weight training (5 - 6 times / week).
    My 1 rep max for bench is 200 pounds... and my 1 rep max for deadlift is 300 pounds... and I only started powerlifting last winter..
    Do I just got really shitty genetics or something?

    Now this is where I started .. 160.. before I went on my SARM cycle last winter..
    I guess I gotta figure out my caloric intake and calculate everything on the back of the label before it goes into my body...

    If you guys can shed some light it be great...
    Last edited by hustler101; 08-15-2017 at 06:19 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2017
    How many grams of protein a day did this IF Vegan diet consist of?

  3. #3
    Ah, you stopped sarms with no pct and a drastic diet change for the worst in regards to muscle building.

    Sarme shut you down. No ifs or buts about it

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    If those plant eating animals could eat you...
    They would.
    Somewhere, there would be a herd of angus chowing down upon a healthy serving of hustler101.

    Sleep, walk, breathe, screw, eat, talk, feel, and live; we were all intended to have a natural rhythm about us.

    We are what we were intended to be. You can eat veggies and talk about how nice they are and how wrong it is morally and watch yourself wither. Then one day a strong cow eating SOB is gonna come beat you to death and steal your land, piss on your corn, and feed it to his cows.

    A man is meant to provide and protect.
    Rethink that vegetarian crap.

  5. #5
    Its not about saving the planet

    Firstly when I stopped eating meat I found that I'm not as angry
    Also if you watch Dr Josh Axe's videos on youtube he talks about foods that are bad for you..
    not just as in "abit too much saturated fat" bad... but more like... "grown using radiation exposure by nazi scientists looking to maximize profits" bad...

    Some things include
    a. genetically modified corn
    b. genetically modified soy
    c. suger
    d. hydrogenated oils
    e. food colorings

    Also he suggested to eat only grass fed meat and wild caught fish... so firstly I went full vegan, thinking I could get the same ammount of protein with a single vegan recepie...
    Being vegan also left more room to be worry free of these harmfull chemicals injected into our food.

    However Im still trying to figure out how you calulate your food supply...
    I'm guessing you need a scale.. a measuring cup.. you have to know what a portion of each food is... and you not only calculate the proteins but also the sugars, fats, sodium and carbs? So when you're making a recepie of 6 - 8 ingredients prepared into 1 meal, then you need to add up all 8 of them..

    So now do I need to add everything at the back of a nutrition label.. still confused about this topic... and Im not a great cook either...

    MToption2 I didn't calculate my protein.. but I roughly estimated that it would probably be enough ... which by the looks of it, it probably wasn't

    Couchlockd I did a proper recovery cycle for sarms.. this was last January... however I waited 3 weeks to start my PCT after finishing my cycle
    Last edited by hustler101; 08-16-2017 at 09:18 AM.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by hustler101 View Post
    Its not about saving the planet

    Firstly when I stopped eating meat I found that I'm not as angry
    Also if you watch Dr Josh Axe's videos on youtube he talks about foods that are bad for you..
    not just as in "abit too much saturated fat" bad... but more like... "grown using radiation exposure by nazi scientists looking to maximize profits" bad...

    Some things include
    a. genetically modified corn
    b. genetically modified soy
    c. suger
    d. hydrogenated oils
    e. food colorings

    Also he suggested to eat only grass fed meat and wild caught fish... so firstly I went full vegan, thinking I could get the same ammount of protein with a single vegan recepie...
    Being vegan also left more room to be worry free of these harmfull chemicals injected into our food.

    However Im still trying to figure out how you calulate your food supply...
    I'm guessing you need a scale.. a measuring cup.. you have to know what a portion of each food is... and you not only calculate the proteins but also the sugars, fats, sodium and carbs? So when you're making a recepie of 6 - 8 ingredients prepared into 1 meal, then you need to add up all 8 of them..

    So now do I need to add everything at the back of a nutrition label.. still confused about this topic... and Im not a great cook either...

    MToption2 I didn't calculate my protein.. but I roughly estimated that it would probably be enough ... which by the looks of it, it probably wasn't

    Couchlockd I did a proper recovery cycle for sarms.. this was last January... however I waited 3 weeks to start my PCT after finishing my cycle
    Unless you did 4 to 6 weeks of nolva and Clomid, you did not do a proper recovery.

    Nothing is different about resetting a shut down HPTA with sarms vs anabolic/androgenic steroids.

    The goofy PCT tabs they sell you on the sarms sites, are snake oils, or in this case snake tabs.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    I like you vegans wish there were 1000s more so the price of beef would go down.I had a sister in law who believed in all that crazy sh1t.Indians were eating meat long before all these studies and didn't have a problem.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by hustler101 View Post
    Its not about saving the planet

    Firstly when I stopped eating meat I found that I'm not as angry
    Also if you watch Dr Josh Axe's videos on youtube he talks about foods that are bad for you..
    not just as in "abit too much saturated fat" bad... but more like... "grown using radiation exposure by nazi scientists looking to maximize profits" bad...

    Some things include
    a. genetically modified corn
    b. genetically modified soy
    c. suger
    d. hydrogenated oils
    e. food colorings

    Also he suggested to eat only grass fed meat and wild caught fish... so firstly I went full vegan, thinking I could get the same ammount of protein with a single vegan recepie...
    Being vegan also left more room to be worry free of these harmfull chemicals injected into our food.

    However Im still trying to figure out how you calulate your food supply...
    I'm guessing you need a scale.. a measuring cup.. you have to know what a portion of each food is... and you not only calculate the proteins but also the sugars, fats, sodium and carbs? So when you're making a recepie of 6 - 8 ingredients prepared into 1 meal, then you need to add up all 8 of them..

    So now do I need to add everything at the back of a nutrition label.. still confused about this topic... and Im not a great cook either...

    MToption2 I didn't calculate my protein.. but I roughly estimated that it would probably be enough ... which by the looks of it, it probably wasn't

    Couchlockd I did a proper recovery cycle for sarms.. this was last January... however I waited 3 weeks to start my PCT after finishing my cycle
    I eat meat. I grow, I dont watch myself shrink.
    You are talking about a bunch of hormones in milk, that are not absorbed through ingestion, causing an imaginary imbalance.
    Milk is the max anabolic substance. Animals that live a short life growing to a possible 3000 lbs.
    Testosterone was first isolated in a bulls testes. Cattle are rhuminants. They break down their food more than you can imagine.
    Humans are like dogs, meant to eat meat, we extract all the protein we can and lay a stnky ass terd with 10x the waste of a cow.
    Go eat a bunch of grass and you will get nothing from it. You will starve to death because your system is a one shot system.
    You need meat. This vegetarian crap is a forward thinking movement by a bunch of limp wristed weaklings. All the studies you read are made by limp wristed weaklings. Keep studying vegetarian methods and you will be left in the dust. Not being a rude guy, but I am dead serious, we were meant to eat meat.
    Eyes in front, we are predators.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2017
    Home of the Braves
    I won't bash you for being vegan because I know good people who are. I don't like for them to push their morals on me, yet without fail, they do at least once while around me. It's a religion to them. Who am I to judge? As long as they respect my lifestyle, I'll respect theirs.

    But what I'm getting at is that while some commercial foods, ok most, are chemical engineered or preserved, it is what it is. I am more concerned with chemtrails and everything else the government's of the world are doing to us. Our bodies are very resilient and are in a constant battle with free radicals and other viruses. We're all going to die. It doesn't matter what you eat, how much you train, we all have an expiration date. I personally think that we have a designed date with destiny, but that's another conversation. I'm happy with meat and always will eat massive amounts.

    Have you ever considered hunting or fishing? 90% of my protien comes from the woods and water. The other 10% comes from eating away from home. The little lady likes me to take her to dinner from time to time

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    I took a dump today that weighed more than your "lost gains". I had a Dr appointment and weighed in at 239. After the appointment I took a dump. I went to a separate Dr appointment roughly 15 mins after the dump and was weighed...232.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    You did it wrong, if you're doing IF you don't reduce your total caloric amount you just keep it where it is and chow down as much as you can in your allotted time to eat. Secondly if youre doing vegan, you have to understand that the food is not nearly as energy dense as animal protein. It may still have the same absolute value but you're body can only at a maximum process 1.6 kcal/gram of plant matter and that is in the form of free fatty acids typically as a bio product of the intestinal micro flora. Possibly if you have a higher fungal flora populations you may get some energy from them dying and sluffing off the food stuffs but I have never seen a study in humans that has any great value like in the gut of a ruminant for example.
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    No Source Check Please, I don't know of any.

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  12. #12
    Join Date
    May 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by hustler101 View Post
    So I lost all my gains 3 weeks after going on vegan diet while doing intermittent fasting..
    I saw a video somewhere where a competitive bodybuilder said how when he travels and theres nothing healthy to eat, he fasts...
    So I had to do that.. for a few days, having 2 small meals sometimes.

    It really sucks because I came off a SARMS cycle at 175... lost 6 pounds rather rapidly and then was maintaining 169 lbs while working out 5 - 6 times per week, and yes I was doing powerlifting and bodybuilding together. And that was just to maintain 169 pounds... didn't gain a pound!

    Then I decide to go vegan after researching all the start to travel for a bit and BOOM

    Information such as RBGH and RBST contained in dairy products such as milk which has (RBGH) Recovre brough growth hormone.
    And all the hormones farmed animals are injected with which cause health issues..
    As well some other stuff...

    So this doesnt leave much room for choices when it comes to food...
    On top of that I'm absolutely clueless when it comes to calculating your macros and figuring out portion sizes for your calories in...

    So now I'm at 160 pounds, with some access fat around my belly... (which was always there).
    Seems like intermitent fasting didn't take off the belly fat like it promised to do... instead of getting shredded I lost muscle mass!
    What a bunch of balony.... and I ain't no slouch in the gym either... I go 1 hour kickboxing then 1 hour serious weight training (5 - 6 times / week).
    My 1 rep max for bench is 200 pounds... and my 1 rep max for deadlift is 300 pounds... and I only started powerlifting last winter..
    Do I just got really shitty genetics or something?

    Now this is where I started .. 160.. before I went on my SARM cycle last winter..
    I guess I gotta figure out my caloric intake and calculate everything on the back of the label before it goes into my body...

    If you guys can shed some light it be great...
    It sounds like you stopped the SARMS and that's about it. The vegan diet is fine. Once you come off of things you lose gains.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2017
    Dallas TX area
    hey more real food for me. but as several have said, you want to save the planet? dont buy food at all, especially plant matter-vegan or not there is a ton of detrimental activity that takes place to get your salad to the market.

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