First I would like to say the liquids from are oral not injectable.
Second, yes they are for humans they just cant say that legally.
You need to look on your bottle or vial or amp, somewhere on the label it says something like 250mg/mL, 50mg/mL, 800mcg/mL, 30mcg/mL WHATEVER it is, this information is essential- its the consentration of your gear.
mg or mcg:
lets say you have 200mcg/ml clen.
that means every mL contains 200mcg.
so if you want 60mcg, you do: 60/200=0.3
so that means 0.3mL of 200mcg/ml is 60mcg. got it?
Okay, now iu:
iu depends on how you mix it.
usually iu drugs come in powder form.
lets say you have 5000iu of powder-
if you add 1mL of water to that its 5000iu/mL
if you add 5mL of water to that its 1000iu/mL
same math applies:
to get 500iu out of a 5000iu/mL solution:
Insulin Needles: Slin Pin
for very small measurements you can use an insulin needle.
if you get a u-100 needle, then 100units=1ml
0.1mL=10 units
500iu out of a 5000iu/mL solution is 10 units on an insulin needle
This is why cc = mL:
mL stand for millilitre
mL = 1/1000 of a litre
a litre is defined as a cubic decimeter
so a litre is 10cmx10cmx10cm = 1000 cubic cm
a decimeter is 10cm
cc stands for cubic centimeter
cc = 1/1000 of 1000 mL = mL
1 mL = 1 cc = 1 cm3 = 40 drops
1 g = 1000 mg
1 mg = 1000 mcghcg crash course
1 cc (cubic centimetre) = 1 ml (milliliter ) these are volume measurements.
A mg measures the dosage of the drug a mg = 1/1000 of a g (gram)
1 mcg (microgram) = 1/1000 milligram
An IU (International Unit) is a measurement of fluid
10cc = 10ml
Take Sust 250mg/ml = 250mg (The strength of the drug or dosage) per ml of fluid. So if you wanted to use 500mg this would require 2ml
my pct
estrogen/progesterone side effect control on cycle
1 mL = 1 cc = 1 cm3 = 40 drops
1 g = 1000 mg
1 mg = 1000 mcg
so to get 0.25mg of 2.5mg/mL letro you need 4 drops
or use an oral syringe