Hello, I’m the husband. 51 and wife’s 54. She’s through memo completely and as my drive has risen with my TRT and occasional blasting, our drives have gone in separate directions and she is missing her desire and drive of old. She wants to explore these options but fears the risks...cancer etc.
So we want to explore her needs. This starts with bloodwork. I use private labs MD and Labcorp. Which specific test for her should we start with? There are several to choose from so a title of the test is helpful.
We then want find a doctor where we pay cash. We have Kaiser and I have had zero luck with them. I hear FLorida is common. I also hear walking into a local compounding store can guide you to docs in your area. We are not rich so price matters. We are in Sacramento ca...east suburbs.
Can anyone help us do this right, reasonably price wise and safely
Her biggest complaints are low energy, low sex drive but not gone, pain during sex requiring extremely slow penetration and initial warm up, skin and muscle tone rapidly getting worse, hard to get weight lifting gains at all. She is concerned about replacement therapy as it relates to breast cancer/cancer in general. Three co-workers of hers recently passed of breast cancer. And, there’s one Aunt in her family tree who got breast cancer but survived...no one else we know of and her ancestry tree is huge.
Please help guide us. This is my general plan.
—First BW
—Then send to a FL type doc for review and plan and meds
—Then start slow and be patient for result to kick in
—Keep prices sane.
Let’s hear it.