07-15-2008, 02:34 PM #1
infected hair follicle, GH a factor?
not sure if this should go in this forum or the AR spa, or even the lounge lol, but here goes:
I have an infected hair follicle at the very top of my ass crack (pleasant, yes?), it is excruciating, cant sleep, cant sit, cant be comfortable. I have been planning my workouts around it lol, avoiding exrecises where i have to sit down.
It has gone from nothing to a large red lump in the space of 7 days, been the docs, got a course of antibiotics, but i doubt they will sort this.
Could the GH use and subsequent IGF levels increasing have made the infection develop faster?
I know that with tumors this is the case, but for an infection?
07-16-2008, 10:14 AM #2
07-16-2008, 02:40 PM #3
sorry for the lack of patience, but if anybody has any input please respond as i really need to make a decision here. Will no doubt be requiring surgery to remove this thing, and its getting bigger byu the day, need to know if GH has any bearing in this, and whether or not to stop my cycle until all this is sorted
07-17-2008, 12:41 AM #4
Sounds like a bad ingrown hair, they happen all the time and can be very painful. I doubt its anything GH related though. I've had it happen while not taking any growth factors.
07-17-2008, 02:08 AM #5
GH boosts the immune system. Just get the gf or mom to cut the hair out of there and it will feel much better right away. And remember to wash your arse.
07-17-2008, 03:20 AM #6
My thoughts go out 2 you, that would suck, lol. Iv had nasty cystic pimples and in grown hairs in the past. Not fun.
07-17-2008, 09:06 AM #7
its not definately an ingrown hair, according to the doc its an infected hair follicle, maybe both i guess. I am not so concerned, about this really as a friend has had it recently and i know what im in for, but i am more concerned that the GH will make the infection spread quickly, as its gone from nothing to bad in less than a week, and my friend had his build up over afew months lol. Plus, i have now got a slight pain that feels similar on the other side at the top of my thigh, and couldnt help but wonder if the GH had made it spread.
Thanks for the responses guys
07-17-2008, 01:57 PM #8
Even if GH could speed up the growth of it if the second pain is coming from a different area, infected hair follicles cant contaminate other areas of the body unless you pick at them and transfer some of the inner material to another area of the skin. Sounds like you may be worrying more than you need to.
07-17-2008, 04:07 PM #9
Take a hot neadle and burn it out! JK
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