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Thread: My Jin experience, so far.

  1. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by MajorPectorial View Post
    I've heard its better to just keep it going. Unlike aas where u cycle. Gh is better simply kept running with aas cycles ran along side. This much I've gleaned from the more experienced users at least.
    Probably will just stay on.

  2. #42
    Join Date
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    somewhere on earth
    I'd say a sound choice. Like the read so far. Getting some great info

  3. #43
    good stuff here. BTW, when you were sleeping so terribly, weren't you on tren? Hard time thinking it was the G.

  4. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by NWIron View Post
    good stuff here. BTW, when you were sleeping so terribly, weren't you on tren? Hard time thinking it was the G.
    The tren didn't help but it wasn't the source of my arms falling asleep and waking me up constantly. I was experiencing those sides before I went on cycle. Hgh effects everyone differently, the CTS sides beat me up pretty good.

  5. #45
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    Big turn of events.....I have decided to run hgh another 6 months and institue a 8 week blast and 8week cruise style protocol. This decision has has taken me some time to come to terms with but I feel was inevitable. Will keep all who are interested still posted on my trials and turbulations!

  6. #46
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    Stearting my cycle today which will be:
    Tes p: 150 mgs eod
    Tren a: 120 mgs eod
    Tbol : 50 mgs ed
    Hgh : 8 ius 5 on 2 off
    T4 : 100 mcgs ed
    hcg: 250 ius 2x a week
    adex: .25 mgs eod (for now)
    caber: .50 mgs 2x a week
    Nov: on hand if gyno symptoms creep up.

  7. #47
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    Jul 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Buster Brown
    Stearting my cycle today which will be:
    Tes p: 150 mgs eod
    Tren a: 120 mgs eod
    Tbol : 50 mgs ed
    Hgh : 8 ius 5 on 2 off
    T4 : 100 mcgs ed
    hcg: 250 ius 2x a week
    adex: .25 mgs eod (for now)
    caber: .50 mgs 2x a week
    Nov: on hand if gyno symptoms creep up.
    I didn't read the beginning of the cycle but I would drop the oral otherwise the cycle looks bada$s.

    Just curious, why t4 over t3?

  8. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mp859 View Post
    I didn't read the beginning of the cycle but I would drop the oral otherwise the cycle looks bada$s.

    Just curious, why t4 over t3?
    No chance in dropping the oral....There is a very well written article on this site why T4 with HGH. I am not taking the T4 to cut but rather to supplement with.

  9. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buster Brown

    No chance in dropping the oral....There is a very well written article on this site why T4 with HGH. I am not taking the T4 to cut but rather to supplement with.
    Doesn't t4 just convert to t3?

    I'm about to run a similar cycle except t3 in place of t4 and deca instead of tren so was jw why t4 over t3

  10. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mp859 View Post
    Doesn't t4 just convert to t3?

    I'm about to run a similar cycle except t3 in place of t4 and deca instead of tren so was jw why t4 over t3
    For a complete overview on the subject, do a search on hgh and T4. The post was written by Marcus 300 a few years back. The article is well written and very informative. The highlights are that your hgh will be more effective buy using T4. And yes, t4 does convert to T3. Look for the article and read it a few times (it may even be in the hgh stickies).

  11. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buster Brown View Post
    For a complete overview on the subject, do a search on hgh and T4. The post was written by Marcus 300 a few years back. The article is well written and very informative. The highlights are that your hgh will be more effective buy using T4. And yes, t4 does convert to T3. Look for the article and read it a few times (it may even be in the hgh stickies).
    It is actually the second article in the sub forum of hgh. Thyroid and Human growth hormone, enjoy.

  12. #52
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    Into the first week with Hgh @ 8 ius and starting to feel the CTS sides start to slowly creep up again. Hoping and praying that the CTS isn't as bad as last time...time will tell.

  13. #53
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    I thought after being on 8ius for a solid week that the sides would go through the roof again but they haven't (at least not yet). I am hoping that the sides don't get any worse then constant finger tip numbing and the occasional hands going to sleep. Only time will tell.

  14. #54
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    Beginning week 2 of my cycle and the CTS sided are starting to become a little more intense. The slight tingle has turned into more of a numbing sensation and during the night I am starting to wake up from the intense "pins and needles" in both arms........Here we go again!

  15. #55
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    I have noticed alot of threads popping up with guys thinking hgh is a miracle drug........WRONG! It will not repair a torn tendon, change the color of your hair, fix all kinds of bumps and bruises, etc. Yes it is an effective weight loss tool and you can add some size if you take enough but it works best while on cycle to get the most out of it. Another good one is that it will help keep gains when off cycle. You may do marginally better at keeping gains but it will no way allow you to keep the 20 lbs. that you gained on cycle.

  16. #56
    Join Date
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    somewhere on earth
    Great info bb. Keep it coming. I'm still sub'd

  17. #57
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    Starting wk. 3 of my cycle and up 13 lbs. Like I said, the CTS sides have gotten more intense but I am still able to sleep which is the key to it ( I think anyway). Going night after night not be able to get solid rest sucks!

  18. #58
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    Into week 4 of my cycle and more of the same. Sides are holding steady which makes sleeping possible...always a plus. Strength is really starting to come on but this is due to the AAS. I have no doubt that this will be a productive cycle, cant wait to see what I keep when I drop to 5 ius 5 on 2 off and 150 mgs. of Tes a week.

  19. #59
    Join Date
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    Damn. Just reminds me what I put in me when ppl say doses around that haha.

  20. #60
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    I thought it made pp bigger

  21. #61
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    Into week 5 of my cycle and feel great. All the weights feel light (lol). I feel that the hgh is beginning to give my physique more quality then without it running similar cycles. I am also running a login members cycles but try to keep the stuff that I feel is hgh related here. The sides are still the same and haven't got worse which makes me think that after cycling hgh, your body begins to adapt a bit.

  22. #62
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  23. #63
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    Starting week 7 on cycle. I just keep feeling bigger and stronger. A few theories that people have about HGH I think are somewhat inaccurate. One being that it will heal up problem areas. My knees are killing me and have been getting progressively worse since the start of this cycle. I have been on hgh since last March and believe that is a pretty decent amount of time to mke an informed decision. It isn't the miracle drug that so many people believe it is, especially those who have not tried it.

  24. #64
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buster Brown View Post
    Starting week 7 on cycle. I just keep feeling bigger and stronger. A few theories that people have about HGH I think are somewhat inaccurate. One being that it will heal up problem areas. My knees are killing me and have been getting progressively worse since the start of this cycle. I have been on hgh since last March and believe that is a pretty decent amount of time to mke an informed decision. It isn't the miracle drug that so many people believe it is, especially those who have not tried it.
    I've said this 1000 times. People just don't want to believe it. I believe gh's healing properties are evident when used post surgery but not solely to repair or regenerate damaged tissue.

    Cuts to the skin and other superficial injuries are a different story. I have photos of any injury to my hand that healed up completely in 8 days. I'll dig up the pics later.
    Last edited by Rick Kane; 11-12-2013 at 09:51 AM.

  25. #65
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    Saturday, Wednesday, Sunday
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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  26. #66
    Join Date
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    somewhere on earth
    Looks like you healed up pretty well. How do u heal up usually?. I'm pretty quick healer tbh.

  27. #67
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    I honestly don't know the answer to that.

  28. #68
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rick Kane View Post
    Saturday, Wednesday, Sunday
    That was a pretty nasty cut bro, glad it healed up well. I think the point I am trying to make is that HGH is something that people wish it was as opposed to what it actually is. Besides reporting on side effects, it can be tough to measure progress especially when on cycle. How much cell hyperplasia is taking place.....who knows, and I am sure that varies amongst individuals.

  29. #69
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buster Brown View Post

    That was a pretty nasty cut bro, glad it healed up well. I think the point I am trying to make is that HGH is something that people wish it was as opposed to what it actually is. Besides reporting on side effects, it can be tough to measure progress especially when on cycle. How much cell hyperplasia is taking place.....who knows, and I am sure that varies amongst individuals.
    Oh most definitely. Cycle ran. Quality of training. Diet amongst the top of the list.

  30. #70
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buster Brown View Post
    That was a pretty nasty cut bro, glad it healed up well. I think the point I am trying to make is that HGH is something that people wish it was as opposed to what it actually is. Besides reporting on side effects, it can be tough to measure progress especially when on cycle. How much cell hyperplasia is taking place.....who knows, and I am sure that varies amongst individuals.
    Yeah I understand what you're saying. From the comments I hear its seems people believe gh is some miracle cure-all-musclebuilding-cockgrowing-6packrockin-magic in a bottle. It's great but it's not all that.

  31. #71
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rick Kane View Post
    Yeah I understand what you're saying. From the comments I hear its seems people believe gh is some miracle cure-all-musclebuilding-cockgrowing-6packrockin-magic in a bottle. It's great but it's not all that.
    I have to say that I noticed the most benefit from hgh when I was running it for fat loss along with T4 and no AAS. I have to say the results were remarkable but.....was it the T4?, the diet? My guess it was all of it. It did allow me to lose fat beyond what diet and cardio had allowed me to do before. I like being able to have an oppurtunity to try hgh for a year including three cycles at 8 iu's but I think once I have used up what I got, that will be it for me.

  32. #72
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    Just wrapping up my cycle and will be taking a month off from hgh. I have to say that the synergistic effect of AAS and HGH is what really puts on the size. I just hope that that the guys who have beenreading this walk away with a few things and that being: hgh isn't magic and takes along time to see results even though it begins to work immediately. In order to see anysize results, you must cycle AAS with 8-10 ius of HGH. What i have to say isn't the gospel as there are many other guys on this site much better versed then I, this is just MY experience. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!!!!

  33. #73
    Join Date
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    Great job buster brown

  34. #74
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    I am going to take a break for a month from the hgh/t4 combination. I am starting my trt dose at 125 of tes a week and will get bloods drawn to see where I am at and what needs to be adjusted. I feel that the jins were the real deal and my build has made some great improvements. Unfortunately the rest of my hgh is a mixed bag and I am not sure if I will start another log or not.

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