Well at the end of my 12 Week Cycle of Test E, I finally f'd my shoulder up to a degree never before done in my personal history.
I don't know if it was when I was repping 365 Bench or what, but it started soon after. I think I exacerbated the issue with close gripping that Friday when my right shoulder on the 12th rep twisted on the way up, almost like it detached and pushed to the right or something. My spotter let me struggle in a screwed up position, thx. Massive pain every time I wake up from then on.
I usually can bench reps near 400 every time at the gym, but the next Monday I try benching 225, and although it's not heavy, my right side, deltoid/pec feel almost detached from my body. Like the pec won't activate or something. The left side I can squeeze and it hardens with a contraction, the right side, it doesn't contract all the way. It feels like my right shoulder is detached from my body or something.
The pain is where my clavicle meets my scapula, and my deltoid does feel detached from my body. I can't contract my right pec muscle enough, so if I try to bench heavy, I end up compensating with shoulder.
It's supposed to take 12 weeks to heal? Lame.
Maybe I shouldn't believe my own personal diagnosis and go to the doctor.
What do you think, though? Shoulder Seperation?