I have a question concerning my husband't shoulder (he's not on this board). 12 years ago he had a motorcycle wreck that broke his left collarbone. It wasn't put back together right (sloppily) because he had no insurance at the time. It never really bothered him for years but now he is 41 and experiencing these symptoms: two fingers in his left hand are numb at the tips, he has pain and loss of mobility in that shoulder when doing pushing lifts, and he can't flex his left pec as well as the right resulting in not being able to do any pushing lifts with much weight like bench press etc. We are pretty sure this is all related to his old injury even though these problems just started up about 2 weeks ago. What kind of doctor should he see? An orthopedic doc? A general practitioner? A sports medicine doc? Or, do any of you have any ideas about what else might be causing this? He also has pain in his bicep, not when doing curls, but when doing the pushing lifts. It's really frustrating to him. He's very strong and loves to lift and this is holding him back.