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Thread: 3rd cycle - Test, Masteron, proviron

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    between corn and soybeans

    3rd cycle - Test, Masteron, proviron

    Alright folks, as winter is wrapping up and spring is coming around, i figured it'd be a good idea to run a short 10 week cycle. This will be my 3rd cycle, the first being dbol only, and the second being test, eq, and dbol (check that out here

    My current weight is about 185lbs, at 5' 10". I managed to gained about 30 lbs last cycle, and keep 25, so hopefully i can do something similar this time around. My items should be arriving soon, and the plan is as followed (although not completely set in stone):

    1-10 Test E 500/wk (Front loaded)
    1-4 Proviron 25mg/day
    4-10 Masteron 300/wk (maybe frontloaded)

    MAYBE an oral,too. dbol or tbol, anavar is too much $ Most likely tbol as i am looking to get hard. I will decide this once my items arrive.

    Letro will be ran at first sign of gyno at low dose, along with nolva. Nolva will be dropped once gyno is under control, letro will continue til end of cycle. I will also have Nizoral, salicylic, and benzoil peroxide acne creams ready, as this cycle is somewhat heavy on androgens. ANd i have no idea if i am prone to hairloss...

    Standard PCT following cycle

    My goal for this cycle is a bit different. Last cycle i wanted mass, plain and simple, and it worked. This time, i dont want to gain such a dramatic amount of weight, but would still like to put on 10 lb of quality muscle. I would really like to harden up and look pretty cut. I dont compete, and am naturally very lean, this is simply for my own satisfaction.

    In order to harden my look, i am including the proviron and masteron, bridging into each other. I am not too worried about being super cut in the beginning, so if the proviron is ineffective, that is ok. I am debating whether to run an oral for the first few weeks, maybe a low dose dbol (20mg/day) or tbol. I really like dbol, but have no experience with tbol, and want the most "bang for my buck" so we will see.

    Anyway, this cycle should begin (hopefully) in less than 20 days. I will get some before pics up on here, and do my best to take more pictures than my last log. I am debating whether i should log how much i am lifting per exercise for all of you viewing, but i am only concerned with aesthetics so specific amounts of weight mean little to me, other than having to write a hell of a lot of stuff. If anyone is that interested, i suppose i can log it all.

    Please give me any advice or suggestions you may have regarding compounds i will be using and dosage. I would really appreciate any advice about a good oral to include to kickstart this cycle, and if tbol would be a good choice.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    good luck.

    30lbs last cycle!!! good gains.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    If you get gyno when you do this cycle... just go on letro. Don't go on letro and nolva.
    novla is to avoid getting gyno and doesn't do anything to get rid of it once you have it.

    i think you should just run the test and masteron. t bol takes more than 4 weeks to really give you good gains, and gives you some nice intestinal discomfort.

    is the masteron propianate ester or enanthate?

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