correct me if im wrong but you cycled within your first year of training? what made you ready and him not?
Yes, you're wrong. Id been training for many years and I went through a huge emotional crisis a year and a half ago that caused a massive loss in lbm. It was replaced by fat and laziness. I was at rock bottom, physically, a year ago. I jumped on the gear, however, Ive always admitted that I should have waited. I say this even in my posted pictures. I dont think it was the "best choice" and I could have got where I am now with a clean diet and routine. It just would have a taken a little longer.
you preach alot about diet and this and that but you have little experience besides your one year (if im correct). shakes are junk? come on guy, they are the most biologically available protein out there, more so than eggs, and have a place in every bbers diet. i know plenty of monsters who compete with decades of training behind them who have used shakes since day 1. are whole meals preferred? yes, but shakes are just as good when used appropriately. ya his diet needs work but ive alot worse from alot bigger people.
I preach alot about my diet because its the diet that changed me, not the anabolics. Yes, a whey shake everyday is fine, however, weightgainer shakes and protein bars are crap. They are loaded with fat and sugar. I cant believe that you disagree.
dont hate on others who are doing the same as you in as far as cycling.
Im not hating anybody. I dont like the idea of this guy cycling and I think that if your using only an hrt dose of test simply because he cant afford more, thats stupid. Test is cheap. and i read another post from you about how cheating isnt an option and this and that. says who? you?
I have never once said that, I beg you to prove me wrong, thank you. please, there are people out there who can eat whatever they want and be incredible looking so dont push your mantra on everyone.
Those people dont ask for advice, nor do they need it from me. So, sorry, Im not pushing my "mantra" on everyone. I push my "mantra" on those who come on this board looking for open forum advice. let me know 8 or 9 years down the road the evils of a cheat meal here and there. if you stick to the lifestyle for that long.
Im rich and dedicated, it wont be an issue. And again, I never said cheating was bad. till then, offer advice but keep the criticism to a minimum. without your cycling you wouldnt be where you are today.
This is you most incredibly stupid comment that you've made, yet. Keep in mind that I do not openly share my personal background here but I do in fact have extensive experience with training and diet. I played football and wrestled my whole life. I won my wrestling conference 3 years in a row and was recruited by a few colleges for athletics. I know how to gain mass for football and lose the fat for wrestling. I've done it my whole life. If I were now to make a generalization about you, Id say this: you think that cycling is the magic pill. Thats insane. Anabolics help and push you past genetic limits but it is not what makes a bodybuilder. If you dont believe this, I feel for you, as you have not had any success without anabolics.