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Thread: Second cycle - Equipose, dbol, test

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    between corn and soybeans

    Second cycle - Equipose, dbol, test

    Hey whats up people, this is my first post here. I will be logging my second cycle with pics, as a picture says a lot more than words.

    My cycle is -

    Boldenone ( equipoise) - 600 mg/wk, 10 wks
    Testosteroe cypionate - 250 mg/wk, 10 wks
    Dianabol - 50 mg/day, 5 weeks

    PCT- Clomid, nolva, HCG
    Nolva on hand in case of sides.

    A little about myself...
    I've been lifting for 6-7 years, the first 3 done incorrectly with poor diet. I did learn from observation and research how to do it right and started seeign good results. I have super fast metabolism, and am a hardgainer. I have never weighed more than 170. Before this cycle i was 160-165, depending on the day. I dont understand how my weight is so low, but i have a very good weight/strength ratio. I know people who are 30+ me and i can put up a lot more. I have done one cycle consisting of dbol at 30 mg/day for 3 weeks, then 40/day for 1 more week. This was a few months ago. I made good gains, and kept about 2/3 of the size and strength after PCT was over. Anyway, i am doing landscaping this summer which burns calories like mad, and i usually lose weight from it so im doing a cycle to try and prevent this, and to eat more with the eq. I am a very lean person naturally, and pretty vascular.

    Anyway, my goals are to gain a good 10- 15 lbs. I will be running dbol at the end of my cycle as opposed to the beginning. This is because i am living with my family for the summer, and dont want a sudden buildup or they will get on my case. It is also because i beleive that the equipoise and increased appetite will cause a better gain with the dbol than if i did it b4 my appetite kicks in.

    Here are my pics day 1

    Last edited by tadpoleboyy; 07-15-2007 at 01:07 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    between corn and soybeans
    First shot of 600mg eq was June 24th. Since then, appetite has increased by a LOT. Next shot will be today, 300mg eq mixed with 125 mg test cyp, 1.5 cc total.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    between corn and soybeans
    third shot, 300 mg eq, 125mg test, on july 4th. I am breaking down my weekly doses into 2 seperate shots in order to keep hormone levels balanced and not have any large spikes. Anyway, I doubt that the stuff has really exerted any anabolic action yet, but i have gained 3 lbs already, most likely due to the fact that i am just eating like mad.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by tadpoleboyy
    third shot, 300 mg eq, 125mg test, on july 4th. I am breaking down my weekly doses into 2 seperate shots in order to keep hormone levels balanced and not have any large spikes. Anyway, I doubt that the stuff has really exerted any anabolic action yet, but i have gained 3 lbs already, most likely due to the fact that i am just eating like mad.
    Curious as to why youre running only a hrt dose of test? Im not too crazy about your cycle. Id replace the EQ with Deca for much better gains. I know you've stated that your a hardgainer, what is your diet like? Please list, including macros. The fact that you cant get past 170lbs tells me that your diet is off and youre not eating as much as you think.

    Anyway, if you can bump the test up to 400-500 mg/ew, I think you'd like your cycle a little more. JMO. Good luck, I'll be watching this thread.

  5. #5
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    between corn and soybeans
    im running hrt dose just to keeps things normal in terms of natural hormones. And because i couldnt afford much more. I may bump it to 500 for the last few weeks, however. Plus i wasnt sure how id respond in terms of sides to the test, and didnt want to spend even more on AI's. I work 7 - 4, also.

    My current diet is mostly like this-

    6:30 - 7-30 am : 2 scoops weightgainer (about 1000 cal, 35 g protein) sometimes a bagel too, but not usually hungry this early.

    9 - 10 am: apple, protein bar or similar item, string cheese or 2, various other snack food (im working, i cant really prepare a meal)

    12- 1: can of tuna on wheat crackers with a good amount of cream cheese on each. 1/3 of those big tubs of yogurt. Protein shake, a soda, more apple, and i guess whatever random stuff i can eat during the duration of the lunch time i am alotted.

    2-3 : another string cheese, sometimes protein bar. occasionally PBJ 3 peices of bread

    4 - 5: spaghetti, or fish, sometimes oatmeal, and a protien shake

    another shake after i work out.

    Dinner: whatever parents cook; hamburgers, steak, potatos, carrots, stew, that kinda stuff...

    8-9 : weightgainer shake (sometimes), banana, maybe some chips or somthing junky, sometimes oatmeal. This meal/snack is sometimes skipped, as i have really bad GERD and eating b4 i got to sleep kicks my stomach acid way up and i just end up ralphing it all up in the morning and not being able to eat breakfast too.

    that pretty much what my daily diet looks like. I dont eat completely clean, but for the most part i do. I get away with this because i never get fat from eating any of that junk. Sometimes is helps pack in more calories, even though they are empty, if they are turned to fat, that eventually turns to energy. Plus i would be more than happy to have a little bit of fat on me for once.

    I like the eq a lot, it really has helped me increase my appetite. I personally think it was a good choice, as I chose it for this reason. Hopefully itll stretch my stomach a bit too, because that is another problem i have (cannot fit large volume of food down). I have never done Deca tho, so i cant really compare. I also got my first complement, a girl i hung out with right before i started the cycle ( 1 1/2 weeks ago) said i looked bigger, with no knowledge of my aas use, i just said i had been working out more. So i suppose this is good, since im not even 2 weeks into this and am saving the dbol till the end.
    Last edited by tadpoleboyy; 07-05-2007 at 07:11 PM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    between corn and soybeans
    i am also using creatine until week 4, forgot to mention this. I am also using Albuterol, i am prescribed to the inhaler, about 5-6 puffs gets me pretty ramped up pre workout, and wears off a bit after i am done, perfect length of effect as i do not want to be all twitchy and not hungry all day.
    Last edited by tadpoleboyy; 07-05-2007 at 07:15 PM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    How old are you? Im sorry to say, but youre far from ready to use anabolics.

    Your problem is your diet, its down right horrible. You need to eat quality clean foods: boneless skinless chicken, oatmeal, fish, lean beef, sweet taters, tuna, almonds, and on and on. Shakes, sodas and protein bars are junk. If you want gains, you need to put the pin down and learn how to eat. Skipping meals is not an option.

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    the dirty
    Quote Originally Posted by Johny-too-small
    How old are you? Im sorry to say, but youre far from ready to use anabolics.

    Your problem is your diet, its down right horrible. You need to eat quality clean foods: boneless skinless chicken, oatmeal, fish, lean beef, sweet taters, tuna, almonds, and on and on. Shakes, sodas and protein bars are junk. If you want gains, you need to put the pin down and learn how to eat. Skipping meals is not an option.

    correct me if im wrong but you cycled within your first year of training? what made you ready and him not?

    you preach alot about diet and this and that but you have little experience besides your one year (if im correct). shakes are junk? come on guy, they are the most biologically available protein out there, more so than eggs, and have a place in every bbers diet. i know plenty of monsters who compete with decades of training behind them who have used shakes since day 1. are whole meals preferred? yes, but shakes are just as good when used appropriately. ya his diet needs work but ive alot worse from alot bigger people.

    dont hate on others who are doing the same as you in as far as cycling. and i read another post from you about how cheating isnt an option and this and that. says who? you? please, there are people out there who can eat whatever they want and be incredible looking so dont push your mantra on everyone. let me know 8 or 9 years down the road the evils of a cheat meal here and there. if you stick to the lifestyle for that long. till then, offer advice but keep the criticism to a minimum. without your cycling you wouldnt be where you are today.

  9. #9
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    Responses in red:

    Quote Originally Posted by timtim
    correct me if im wrong but you cycled within your first year of training? what made you ready and him not? Yes, you're wrong. Id been training for many years and I went through a huge emotional crisis a year and a half ago that caused a massive loss in lbm. It was replaced by fat and laziness. I was at rock bottom, physically, a year ago. I jumped on the gear, however, Ive always admitted that I should have waited. I say this even in my posted pictures. I dont think it was the "best choice" and I could have got where I am now with a clean diet and routine. It just would have a taken a little longer.

    you preach alot about diet and this and that but you have little experience besides your one year (if im correct). shakes are junk? come on guy, they are the most biologically available protein out there, more so than eggs, and have a place in every bbers diet. i know plenty of monsters who compete with decades of training behind them who have used shakes since day 1. are whole meals preferred? yes, but shakes are just as good when used appropriately. ya his diet needs work but ive alot worse from alot bigger people. I preach alot about my diet because its the diet that changed me, not the anabolics. Yes, a whey shake everyday is fine, however, weightgainer shakes and protein bars are crap. They are loaded with fat and sugar. I cant believe that you disagree.

    dont hate on others who are doing the same as you in as far as cycling. Im not hating anybody. I dont like the idea of this guy cycling and I think that if your using only an hrt dose of test simply because he cant afford more, thats stupid. Test is cheap. and i read another post from you about how cheating isnt an option and this and that. says who? you? I have never once said that, I beg you to prove me wrong, thank you. please, there are people out there who can eat whatever they want and be incredible looking so dont push your mantra on everyone. Those people dont ask for advice, nor do they need it from me. So, sorry, Im not pushing my "mantra" on everyone. I push my "mantra" on those who come on this board looking for open forum advice. let me know 8 or 9 years down the road the evils of a cheat meal here and there. if you stick to the lifestyle for that long. Im rich and dedicated, it wont be an issue. And again, I never said cheating was bad. till then, offer advice but keep the criticism to a minimum. without your cycling you wouldnt be where you are today. This is you most incredibly stupid comment that you've made, yet. Keep in mind that I do not openly share my personal background here but I do in fact have extensive experience with training and diet. I played football and wrestled my whole life. I won my wrestling conference 3 years in a row and was recruited by a few colleges for athletics. I know how to gain mass for football and lose the fat for wrestling. I've done it my whole life. If I were now to make a generalization about you, Id say this: you think that cycling is the magic pill. Thats insane. Anabolics help and push you past genetic limits but it is not what makes a bodybuilder. If you dont believe this, I feel for you, as you have not had any success without anabolics.
    Im actually flattered that you have read so many of my posts/threads. I wish that you paid more attention to what I write so that your argument could be more sound. Unfortunately, you only know me from the little bits that I share on this forum....Now, if you'd like me to look at your diet.....j/k.

  10. #10
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  11. #11
    Join Date
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    between corn and soybeans
    thanks, id love to eat all the time johny, but i pay my own tuition and buying fresh steak fish and pork every week isnt in the budget. Otherwise i would have ran more test.

    Also, it appears you have no idea what GERD is. Gastroesophogal reflux disease. I currently take Prilosec everyday, double otc doses of ranitidine 3 times a day, and carafate to prevent ulcers, and cimetidine when all of the above do not work, this is not something i can just will away. It hard to eat all the time when your always nauseated and half the food you eat ends up in the toliet. This is why protein shakes are a very valuable tool for me. I can drink them when i have no appetite, and they are cheap. Also, i think its great that im on a cycle, i chose the eq specifically to enhance my appetite, which it has done, i have gained 5 lbs and im not even 2 weeks in. I still get around 4500 cal a day, and 200-250 g protein a day. Sure it could be higher and cleaner, but i work for a living, and i dont think my boss would be thrilled if i busted out a plate of rice and chicken in the middle of edging a plot. You may be rich, but im not. Ive also made great gains naturally, i have a ton of nasty stretch marks from it. Also, if you want to talk clean foods, you have failed to mention any fruits and vegetables which are a valuable source of phytonutrients, fiber, and antioxidants. Sure, i wont get huge off of those, but they will definantly help me live longer, especially in this western society where cancer is one of the more common causes of death. I can eat completely clean, but if i throw in some junk in addition to my normal diet, it cannot hurt it in anyway, the added calories will only help. Even so, i have the body type that i can literally each trash and not get fat. If i was a chick, this would be awesome, but im not.

    As for my low weight, it is irrelevant, as my pictures show that im am obviously in shape and have been training properly. In fact, for your test E and tbol cycle, you were only 10 lbs heavier than me when you started, not a big difference, Furthermore, your b. f. % was at 12%, mine is lower.
    Last edited by tadpoleboyy; 07-06-2007 at 04:48 PM.

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    the dirty
    Quote Originally Posted by Johny-too-small
    Responses in red:

    Im actually flattered that you have read so many of my posts/threads. I wish that you paid more attention to what I write so that your argument could be more sound. Unfortunately, you only know me from the little bits that I share on this forum....Now, if you'd like me to look at your diet.....j/k.
    i like some of your assumptions. they are good. i wont go point for point because i dont care. i have 19 years training under my belt. at 5'5" and 195 with abs ive sort figured things out for myself over the years. rarely cycle as i have little point to. maybe 400 to 500mg of test for 12 or so weeks a year work for me. your assumption about my need for anabolics is WAY off. as were some of my assumptions about you.

    i also said for you to correct me where i was wrong. that was why i posted that beause i wasnt sure about any of your info, just thought i had read stuff here and there.

    awesome work being a good high school athlete. congrats on being rich. thats cool too.

    i have no plans of arguing with you or flaming you. let this guy make his own decisions.

    heres my diet:
    meal 1: 7 ounces ground turkey burger
    1 tablespoon olive oil

    meal 2: same as above

    meal 3: 7 ounces london broil
    4 servings green beans

    meal 4: pwo - 1 to 2 cups dried oatmeal
    1 scoop whey

    meal 5: 14 egg whites
    4 servings green beans
    1 to 2 cups oatmeal

    meal 6: 2 scoops casein
    1/4 cup almonds

    i carb cycle so off days are different and i have low, medium, high days. dont want to post 4 different routines.

    your 1st year pics thread had the pics removed and text deleted (this specific thread and the 1 cheat meal thread is where i made all of my assumptions from, i dont really follow you around, trust me ) around the same time that you posted this and i also find it perplexing that you refer to those pics as your first years progress. that maybe why i made the wrong correlation between 1 year training and such. when someone says i have trained 1 year and this is my result that is what i respond to. obviously that wasnt the truth as you have stated here that you have a complete history of training. you may have discussed your emotional breakdown somewhere else but i didnt read that and have no desire to research your threads. i simply responded to what you had posted in the threads i read and partly, mostly wrongly remembered - being the 2 i stated above.
    Last edited by timtim; 07-06-2007 at 05:02 PM.

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    He looks ready to cycle to me. witht hat kind of calorie count and that much EQ, He should swell up like a balloon. 20 pounds easy

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    the true north
    if you run the eq longer then you could use dbol at the begining and end of the cycle. something like eq 1-14, test 1-14, dbol 1-4&13-16. not a fan of long cycles, but eq takes awhile to kick in and is considered "mild" which is why i would run the dbol twice during the cycle. this is just my opinion and i have actually done a simliar cycle with good results.

  15. #15
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    Sam's Club
    Quote Originally Posted by timtim
    your 1st year pics thread had the pics removed and text deleted (this specific thread and the 1 cheat meal thread is where i made all of my assumptions from, i dont really follow you around, trust me ) around the same time that you posted this and i also find it perplexing that you refer to those pics as your first years progress. that maybe why i made the wrong correlation between 1 year training and such. when someone says i have trained 1 year and this is my result that is what i respond to. obviously that wasnt the truth as you have stated here that you have a complete history of training. you may have discussed your emotional breakdown somewhere else but i didnt read that and have no desire to research your threads. i simply responded to what you had posted in the threads i read and partly, mostly wrongly remembered - being the 2 i stated above.
    If you read those edit dates and times you'll see that they were changed well before my first post in this thread. I call this last year my first year because it is the first year that I dedicated my lifestyle to bodybuilding, and used anabolics. Yes, Id had prior training and diet history, but I only worked on it when I had to. Otherwise, I drank a lot, and ate like crap all the time. My way of cutting weight before was to quit eating, lol. Last year I was very fat and lost most of my strength/lbm. For example, I could push 40lbs db's up on bench, when I used to hit up around 80ish. So, you have a good point, I should have attached an * to that statement. Youre also right that the decision should be left up to this guy. He knows whats best for him. Point taken and I'll keep the criticisms to myself. Good luck.

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    between corn and soybeans
    another shot today, 300mg eq, 125 test. Almost 10 lbs gained so far, 2 weeks in. I literally cant stop eating, and the GERD is subsiding a bit, just the occasional morning throw up...

  17. #17
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    Sep 2006
    bro ur diets not that bad, i mean its not something that will get you to massive size but still. try to replace one of the gainers with a while meal, and just take a slow time released protein at night before bed. your on the right track IMHO

  18. #18
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    between corn and soybeans
    alright, so ive been wondering something. AAS are known for their anabolic effect on muscles, but also on internal organs, correct? The problem i face with my gerd is a dysfunction LES ( basically the valve above your stomach that holds everything down). Mine stays open to some degree, so hanging upside down is basically a instant throw up ticket for me. A lot of the time the same goes for decline bench or skullcrushers etc. My symptoms have been less severe lately, is it possible that my LES is being strengthened/enlarged enough to function better?

  19. #19
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    after all ive seen these do, even when it says they are/are not supposed to do and what theyre ACTUAL outcome is...i wouldnt doubt it. However id look more into growing out of it possibly instead of AAS strengthening it.

  20. #20
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    between corn and soybeans
    im about 2 1/2 weeks in for the eq and 1 1/2 in for the test. I have gained about 11 lbs so far. I have been eating more since my appetite is way up, but enough to gain this fast, i duno. Seems like a lot for long acting substances. Perhaps i am sensitive or have naturally low test levels? Either way, this is great, cant wait till week 4 when they start kickn, and when i start the 50mg day/ dbol on week 8 its guna be insane.

    This isnt even that hardcore of a cycle, i wonder what might happen if i bump the test to 500 / week for the last 3 -4 weeks... Anyway, ill try n get some pics up soon, and ill also try and get some pics of my gear into the other forum.
    Last edited by tadpoleboyy; 07-12-2007 at 05:05 PM.

  21. #21
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    between corn and soybeans
    almost 3 weeks in for the eq, and almost 2 weeks in for the test. About 11 lbs gained. Of all things, the most improvement seems to be my tan line haha.
    Last edited by tadpoleboyy; 07-14-2007 at 10:00 AM.

  22. #22
    Join Date
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    Keep the rowing on bro, need to work those lats.

  23. #23
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    between corn and soybeans
    definate results showing in terms of strength gain. I dont bother with maxes, but doing drop sets, i have put 10lbs on my bicep bar curls, skull crushers, about 15 to my bench, and so on in proper ratio (in terms of muscle group size to strength gained). GERD is clearing up a bit, but still had a few bad days of throwin up and no hunger. For the most part, i believe the eq was a very good choice for me.

    also getting some good pumps, im veiny as hell naturally, but im seeing veins pop out that i never had before. may get some more pictures up in a week or 2.
    Last edited by tadpoleboyy; 07-17-2007 at 10:16 PM.

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    I ran a smiliar cycle except I used var in place of the dbol had excellent results

  25. #25
    Join Date
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    im source cheks
    Quote Originally Posted by tadpoleboyy
    almost 3 weeks in for the eq, and almost 2 weeks in for the test. About 11 lbs gained. Of all things, the most improvement seems to be my tan line haha.
    nah man you look thicker for sure. and yeah the tan lines do look more pronounced haha....keep us updated tho im interested in seeing how your gains come along as the weeks progress..good luck with the rest of you cycle brotha

  26. #26
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    good job so far. i lack back thickness its hard for me. i think i might pull too much with my bi's

  27. #27
    Join Date
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    between corn and soybeans
    extended eq by two weeks, now eq 600mg 1- 12

    i must admit, pitchforking mulch all day is starting to suck, the back pumps are getting nasty. My back had better be ripped after this summer is over.
    Last edited by tadpoleboyy; 07-20-2007 at 11:15 PM.

  28. #28
    Join Date
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    keep at it man train eat grow good luck

  29. #29
    Join Date
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    between corn and soybeans
    about 15 lbs heavier than when i started

  30. #30
    Join Date
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    exciting to watch this thread develop... keep us updated...nice gains between photos!!

  31. #31
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    between corn and soybeans
    pics taken july 23rd. I am on week 5 for the eq, week 4 for the test, have yet to even start the dbol. I have a feeling i am going to make some massive gains once that begins.

    I am at about 177, 17 lbs heavier than when i started.

    Im treating this cycle as a bulker. Im not sure whether landscaping is helping or hindering my progress, as i do a lot of heavy lifting, pulling pushing and whatnot, 8 hours a day. This is why i am consuming so many calories, so i have enough surplus energy to make gains from lifting. But the stuff i do at work i like to count as lifting, like pitchforking mulch, pushing/pulling the roller, lifting cans full of gravel and debris. I try to isolate muscles when i do this stuff at work, for example i try to lift things in a squatting motion. Probably looks hella gay but w/e

    Anyway, im guna focus on the lats more, i am starting to notice the are not proportional to the rest of my body. Also, i feel like my shoulders are really gaining size, which leads me to believe that injections may have a local anabolic effect to a certain extent since i only do delt injs.

    Sorry for the shitty pics, its hard to be centered and whatnot with my camera on a timer on top of a vitamin bottle. On a side note i went to the dentist today, the first thing they asked me was if i had acid reflux. I guess ralphing up stomach acid all the time and whatnot did a number on my teeth, now i have to take this flouride shit. Since i started this cycle, all of that( throwing up) has really started to subside, which is really good. Hopefully this will last even after cycling
    Last edited by tadpoleboyy; 07-24-2007 at 07:11 PM.

  32. #32
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    wow great job im doing a vey similiar cycle in novmeber so this thread interests me

  33. #33
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    damn nice gains so far and love the farmers tan lol but seriously keep up the good work

  34. #34
    Join Date
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    between corn and soybeans
    wow im having some joint problems in the left wrist and shoulder, anyone know some tried and true supps? I dont care about what youve read, i care about what has worked for you. Im getting some nasty aches, not the regular pain that you can push through, but the kind raises a flag in your mind that if you continue something really bad might happen...

  35. #35
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    the dirty
    Quote Originally Posted by tadpoleboyy
    wow im having some joint problems in the left wrist and shoulder, anyone know some tried and true supps? I dont care about what youve read, i care about what has worked for you. Im getting some nasty aches, not the regular pain that you can push through, but the kind raises a flag in your mind that if you continue something really bad might happen...
    could be tendon related. if you hurt your wrist first odds are your form on most movement adapted to aid the wrist making the elbow and shoulder open for injury. might want to rethink your training regiment and train around and with the injury rather than continue to push.

    no supps will do much besides rest. get to a chiropractor who is ART (active release technique) certified. they can work on the joints and increase healing time.

  36. #36
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    between corn and soybeans
    yea, i may have to get rida shoulder press and close grip bench, those seem to give me the most trouble

  37. #37
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by tadpoleboyy
    yea, i may have to get rida shoulder press and close grip bench, those seem to give me the most trouble
    when you do close grip bench dont touch your chest stop 3-4 inches off.
    do dumbells for shoulder presses, i dont ever do barbell military. for those exact reasons, only its my elbows and shoulder.

  38. #38
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    source check [email protected]
    great progess man

  39. #39
    Join Date
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    between corn and soybeans
    i work out at home, i dont have dumbells or the right plates to do anything but military. Any suggestions on something similar?

  40. #40
    Join Date
    May 2002
    im source cheks
    hey bro nice progress...ever try plate holds? i used to do them when my rotators were killin me..and got to loving them..if i didnt have an injury in my a**omen that prevented me from doing them i still would be. granted they arent really anything like a military press, but they do a number on your shoulders..if you have no idea what im talking about, you grab aplate, and hold it with both hands directly infront of you, arms straight, making a 90 degree angle with your body use a wall for back support if you want, and hold the plate out infront of you for as long as you can look through the hole for...hold it untill you cant anymore..that shit will kick your shoulders ass, so to speak, and is a wicked exercise when you dont have alot to work with.

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