Originally Posted by
Ahh well thats a good start brother, if you hadnt trained at all Id have said leave it a lot longer. Otherwise you could grow to strong too quick and cause yourself an injury.
If you can increase the intensity for the next few months, get your accountability thread going with your workouts posted. Poke your head into the diet section, as some of the guys there are geniuses.
Id probably suggest you keep it simple and just go with a test only cycle. If you're serious about doing things properly, take it slow and steady. We have members here that use/have used large doses and silly cycles, and looked like shit (Silabolin/Myself) and we have guys here on their first or second cycles of test only that blow most others out of the water. The point I am trying to make is, the guys that do it properly, with diet and knowledge in check, training on point before they cycle, almost always end up with the best results by a long long way.
Ever heard the 6P's rule?