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Thread: Back in the game

  1. #1

    Back in the game

    Hello everyone,

    33 year old here from Florida. Trying to get back in the swing of things after being off gear for several years due to work and family. Now that everything is more settled I was looking to get back in form. Good to be back, hopefully I'll gather some new info as to what's changed lately and what would be the best cycle for me to get starting again. Thanks for having me guys.



  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    UK (Nr London)
    Quote Originally Posted by OlderWolf View Post
    Hello everyone,

    33 year old here from Florida. Trying to get back in the swing of things after being off gear for several years due to work and family. Now that everything is more settled I was looking to get back in form. Good to be back, hopefully I'll gather some new info as to what's changed lately and what would be the best cycle for me to get starting again. Thanks for having me guys.


    Welcome to the forums brother,

    have you still been training at all? If not i would give it a long while to get back to a reasonable standard before introducing any AAS.
    What is your cycle history?
    Things change all the time. Id suggest you get your nose in Marcus' HIT dungeon, and in the Diet forum.
    Get those two aspects sorted, and get to a suitable place.

    I always suggest started a blog thread somewhere as an accoubility. Post everything from mood, training, diet etc, I find it really helps if you're serious about getting back on track.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by krugerr View Post
    Welcome to the forums brother,

    have you still been training at all? If not i would give it a long while to get back to a reasonable standard before introducing any AAS.
    What is your cycle history?
    Things change all the time. Id suggest you get your nose in Marcus' HIT dungeon, and in the Diet forum.
    Get those two aspects sorted, and get to a suitable place.

    I always suggest started a blog thread somewhere as an accoubility. Post everything from mood, training, diet etc, I find it really helps if you're serious about getting back on track.
    Thanks for the welcome bro. Yeah I've never stopped training just not as intense as before but I still get all my body parts trained at least once a week. Before I would train for 2 hours at least and for the past few years if I get an hour it's rare, it's usually 30 min and I have to go run somewhere to do something either for work or the kids. Now that they're bigger and self reliant i'm finding myself with a lot more free time for me you know? I still plan on getting back into full gear (pardon the pun) and then I'll dive into AAS. I was thinking about 3 months from now but wanted to start planning before hand; I find it motivates me even further to get ready for it in the mean time. I have 4,5 cycles under my belt, all in my twenties. Thanks for the tip on the HIT dungeon and the diet forum, will definitely check it out.

    Yeah I'll start a new thread today to get myself organized and ready for the prep in a few months. In the mean time I'll step up the intensity at the gym and get my diet in check and finely tuned. I've always maintained good eating habits throughout the years but I want to sharpen up my weak points.

    Thanks again for the warm welcome krugerr.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    UK (Nr London)
    Ahh well thats a good start brother, if you hadnt trained at all Id have said leave it a lot longer. Otherwise you could grow to strong too quick and cause yourself an injury.
    If you can increase the intensity for the next few months, get your accountability thread going with your workouts posted. Poke your head into the diet section, as some of the guys there are geniuses.

    Id probably suggest you keep it simple and just go with a test only cycle. If you're serious about doing things properly, take it slow and steady. We have members here that use/have used large doses and silly cycles, and looked like shit (Silabolin/Myself) and we have guys here on their first or second cycles of test only that blow most others out of the water. The point I am trying to make is, the guys that do it properly, with diet and knowledge in check, training on point before they cycle, almost always end up with the best results by a long long way.

    Ever heard the 6P's rule?


  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by krugerr View Post
    Ahh well thats a good start brother, if you hadnt trained at all Id have said leave it a lot longer. Otherwise you could grow to strong too quick and cause yourself an injury.
    If you can increase the intensity for the next few months, get your accountability thread going with your workouts posted. Poke your head into the diet section, as some of the guys there are geniuses.

    Id probably suggest you keep it simple and just go with a test only cycle. If you're serious about doing things properly, take it slow and steady. We have members here that use/have used large doses and silly cycles, and looked like shit (Silabolin/Myself) and we have guys here on their first or second cycles of test only that blow most others out of the water. The point I am trying to make is, the guys that do it properly, with diet and knowledge in check, training on point before they cycle, almost always end up with the best results by a long long way.

    Ever heard the 6P's rule?

    I absolutely agree. In fact the best cycle and with the least sides I ever had was a test only cycle, I grew the most and never had any other issues. That's what I was thinking of doing for my return cycle; just test with maybe some HGH (now that I have the money to invest in good quality HGH and just for it's anti-aging benefits) but I'm not sure if that's even necessary at this point. One thing I've learned these past few years is with patience better things are bound to come so I'll apply that with this as well, a simple test only cycle with a solid PCT then some time off then I'll dive into deeper more complex cycles. Thanks again for the advice bro.

    By the way , any particular sub forum I should post my accountability thread?
    Last edited by OlderWolf; 10-12-2016 at 08:06 AM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2015
    Southeast, USA
    Welcome to the forum! Everything you need to know is right here!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2012
    UK (Nr London)
    Quote Originally Posted by OlderWolf View Post
    I absolutely agree. In fact the best cycle and with the least sides I ever had was a test only cycle, I grew the most and never had any other issues. That's what I was thinking of doing for my return cycle; just test with maybe some HGH (now that I have the money to invest in good quality HGH and just for it's anti-aging benefits) but I'm not sure if that's even necessary at this point. One thing I've learned these past few years is with patience better things are bound to come so I'll apply that with this as well, a simple test only cycle with a solid PCT then some time off then I'll dive into deeper more complex cycles. Thanks again for the advice bro.

    By the way , any particular sub forum I should post my accountability thread?
    If you can afford to run HGH, then go for it. What dosage were you thinking?

    Regarding forums, mine is under the Diet section and so are a few others, but the rest are in the Members Cycle Results forum.


  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by krugerr View Post
    If you can afford to run HGH, then go for it. What dosage were you thinking?

    Regarding forums, mine is under the Diet section and so are a few others, but the rest are in the Members Cycle Results forum.
    I was thinking just 1-2 iu's a day but of quality pharma grade HGH to start off and to see how it helps and how I feel. Mostly also to recover my joints and connective tissue a bit since it's not what it used to be when I used to train 2 hours a day which definitely took a toll on them. I'm turning 34 soon and I was thinking it would help down the road when I ramp up the intensity at the gym.

    Thanks for the link krugerr, I'll see about posting my diet in the diet section and maybe another separate one in the cycle results to start planing ahead for my cycle and to gather more info.

    I appreciate the response guys.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by OlderWolf View Post
    I was thinking just 1-2 iu's a day but of quality pharma grade HGH to start off and to see how it helps and how I feel. Mostly also to recover my joints and connective tissue a bit since it's not what it used to be when I used to train 2 hours a day which definitely took a toll on them. I'm turning 34 soon and I was thinking it would help down the road when I ramp up the intensity at the gym.

    Thanks for the link krugerr, I'll see about posting my diet in the diet section and maybe another separate one in the cycle results to start planing ahead for my cycle and to gather more info.

    I appreciate the response guys.
    stick to one "blog" brother, it is a lot easier to maintain.
    I havent used GH myself, so cant comment. From other member experiences, I would think it might be worth saving some of this up and then running it slightly higher for 6months.

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by krugerr View Post
    stick to one "blog" brother, it is a lot easier to maintain.
    I havent used GH myself, so cant comment. From other member experiences, I would think it might be worth saving some of this up and then running it slightly higher for 6months.
    Yeah you're right. Saw some of the other members threads in there and it seems better to have it all in one place, thanks for the tip. About the GH I figured I could use it a low dose for the first 6 months and then ramp it up after. I've read it takes a while anyway for the benefits to truly shine and thankfully costs isn't an issue at the moment so if it's beneficial to start sooner rather than later might as well. I'll read up on it a lot more though before doing anything, I saw the section for GH and there's some good info there to dig into. Seems I'm in the right place to plan things right and with time. Thanks again.

  11. #11
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    Welcome come and before you think of running a cycle hit the gym for 5 or 6 months.You need to get those tendons and ligaments time to catch up to wat your muscles will be doing.Doing a cycle now could damage either or both beacuse they will lag behind your muscles new strength.

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Welcome to the forum, great place to be.

  13. #13
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  14. #14
    Quote Originally Posted by songdog View Post
    Welcome come and before you think of running a cycle hit the gym for 5 or 6 months.You need to get those tendons and ligaments time to catch up to wat your muscles will be doing.Doing a cycle now could damage either or both beacuse they will lag behind your muscles new strength.
    Thanks for the welcome songdog. Absolutely agree with you, that's why as I mentioned above I will be slowly getting back to my previous work out regimen and intensity and waiting at least til next year to run my cycle. I haven't stopped training throughout these off years but it hasn't been as intense as before. I just wanted to start getting my diet and prep for the cycle prepared as I go along to make sure I have everything in check as I ramp up intensity at the gym.

  15. #15
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  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by OlderWolf View Post
    Hello everyone,

    33 year old here from Florida. Trying to get back in the swing of things after being off gear for several years due to work and family. Now that everything is more settled I was looking to get back in form. Good to be back, hopefully I'll gather some new info as to what's changed lately and what would be the best cycle for me to get starting again. Thanks for having me guys.


    Welcome back you beautiful bastard!

  17. #17
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