What's up guys. So I'm 18 years old and against conventional wisdom ive done 3 cycles before. Test E only (Nolvadex and clomid), var only (clomid), test and dbol (arimidex and clomid). First cycle was about 2 years ago when I was almost 17. I've been lifting for about 5 years (since freshman year of high school). I train 7 days a week, and I am going to compete in my first Men's Physique comp this summer. Now that I'm officially an adultI look forward to becoming an active member on this incredibly valuable and useful forums that has guided my decisions the past few years.
Weight: 158lbs
Bf: 8%
Bench: 265
Power Clean: 205
Squat: 355
Deadlift: 460 trap bar
I don't lift heavy anymore I take a more bodybuilder specific approach so all of my stats are down cm significantly and we're done on my last cycle a few months ago