I don't know how many of you have been following this, but this whole charade has basically been a lot of World (rich) leaders talking about the grave dangers of climate change but not really doing more than that.
Oh and it seems to ended in "Hey, please dont carry on developing shitty 3rd world country, we'll give you some money to carry on acting like animals".
Im starting to think that World Leaders actually don't care about climate, though they profess to, and this has everything to do with keeping poor countries, poor and subservient to richer nations.
America vs China was mentioned. And it's an argument without end between the two. Yeah China have a small per capita footprint than the yanks, but remember, 700 million chinese people live on less than 2 dollars a day. China are building a coal station once a week because they want to bring a better quality of life to everyone, which of course isn't bad! But then imagine Chinas footprint if 1.3 billion people all have and enjoy the same luxuries afforded to your average American.
I don't know what to suggest. It's not just CO2 that's an issue, Industry itself causes an all manner of environmental hazards, including polluting water and using excessive water for agriculture. Water, im starting to fear, is going to be our biggest problem in a few years time.
Whatever your stance on if you think climate is a problem or not, what is a problem is consumption of resources which I think is what is on the minds of rich world leaders. They've finally woken up to the fact that everything is finite but refuse to give up their luxuries , alternatively throwing a bone to the developing nations in a bid to deny them the same greedy life style that they know we have and like to have.
Just my two cents.