How long has it taken to get orders from Lion for any of you that have used them?
How long has it taken to get orders from Lion for any of you that have used them?
for me 4 or 5 days. I'll have this moved to the correct section...
i usually get mine 3-4 days after ordering
all 3 of my orders were 5 business days. lion rocks!
thankx guys, sorry Big i wasnt sure where to put this one. I just thought the original spot gets gets the most traffic
I got all orders within 5 days not counting weekend days. Great communication and service from them so far.
4 days lion is the best.
3 day in cali
usually takes about 4 days for me. sometimes 3!!!
thanks, i been waiting around 2 weeks for pct!! supposed to start in about 12 days and i'm gettign worried
3 weeks so far
3 days but last one took a week
clomi/tamox combo
Going on 12 days....stil waiting for my clen and letro
this service sucks he wont even respond to my emails
whats going on here
last week my order said shipped this week it says pending on his site
Last edited by skitzo; 06-01-2008 at 01:10 PM.
In my experience Skitzo worse case scenario you will get a refund. I have found that the delivery time varies hugely from person to person and can take from 3 days to 3 months.
hey mick i understand its just my first time ordering from him and i see everyone receiving in 5 days or less so i thought it would be the same for me.
Both of the orders I've placed with Lion only took 5 days to get to me, great service as ar as I'm concerned.
Not sure whats going on. He's obviosuly having some kind of issues, Im guessing its based on product availability but who knows. I have ordered many many times and the service is usually unreal, 3 days. I have been waiting 3 weeks, and Im not expecting it anytime soon. And yeah he isnt returning emails. Im goin to credit card company to dispute today. Needless to say, wont be ordering from them ever again, its a shame.
Are you sure it's not a mail issue? He ships USPS Priority, and from my experience of shipping out 200 - 300 orders a month in my own business (legit business, not gray/black market), USPS can be very unreliable. I've seen packages take a month to arrive at locations when they advertise 3 to 4 days. Once, a few months ago, it took 5 weeks for a package to reach a customer in the same freaking town as I'm in! Once the business transfers to the shipper transfer of ownership occurs, and it's then the shippers responsibility...i.e., maybe you should file a claim with USPS...that is, if you can get them (Lion) to a mod first...
Yeah, if he would respond to my emails or give me a tracking number, or ANYTHING I would be able to take my complaint to USPS, but im getting nothing from him. I've pm'd a mod, I'll just have to wait and see. It just sucks bc I love Lion, its a great site and now Im not going to be able to use it any more.
it has nothing to do with the usps service
hes not responding to anyones emails.
he wont even reply to my first email.
I got mine in 3 days I was pretty surprised.
Just got mine in today. 3 days!
So many conflicting reports... Mayber he's under a bit of pressure from the authorities and is flying-by-nite so to speak
I'm having problems too. I did get a response by email and was told that it was going to be reprocessed through shipping. I recieved a new tracking number, but it says tha same thing the first number said; USPS was notified of a package to be shipped, but it doesn't say if it was picked up. I'm waiting for my SH*T. I have everything to start except AI and PCT. It's getting irritating now.
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