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Thread: My SARMs S4 Log

  1. #1
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    My SARMs S4 Log

    i decided to start a log on my first cycle of SARMs, this is my first cycle of any kind so not sure how will my body react. so far i am on my 4th day at 75mgs ed and no changes, i will increase my dose next week to 100mgs. i am still cutting so i am on a strict diet. everyday i intake 300 grams of protein or more, 200 grams of carbs, and 50 grams of fat. so far i think i have been able to maintain the muscles i have and loosing fat at the same time, i am hoping that i can increase muscle by doing this cycle. I’ll keep you posted.

    PS. i am using Lion's SARM

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    "Unleash Hell"
    Nice bro; hopefully S4 helps you achieve the results you're looking for.. Keep us posted!

    Also, I read that 100-150mg is the average dose which other users have experienced the fat burning benefits of this chem.. but again, that's just hearsay! ..I commend you for testing this yourself!


  3. #3
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    thanks Bro, I also like to mention that i have right elbow pain and left shoulder cuff pain, and unfortunately a minor case of hemorrhoids due to heavy squats which seems to be going away. my last elbow (left hand) pain lasted 6 months to fully recover, so we'll see if SARMs will help my right elbow heal faster this current elbow pain is 3 weeks old.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by bass View Post
    i decided to start a log on my first cycle of SARMs, this is my first cycle of any kind so not sure how will my body react. so far i am on my 4th day at 75mgs ed and no changes, i will increase my dose next week to 100mgs. i am still cutting so i am on a strict diet. everyday i intake 300 grams of protein or more, 200 grams of carbs, and 50 grams of fat. so far i think i have been able to maintain the muscles i have and loosing fat at the same time, i am hoping that i can increase muscle by doing this cycle. I’ll keep you posted.

    PS. i am using Lion's SARM
    You didnt notice anything when you took your first dose? I could definetly feel it affecting my mood and libido.

  5. #5
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    Thank u thank u thank u ... The truth being said there is a lo of mixed info on the bloody s4 and eventhough phate already did his log it appeared to me that he didn't take s4 .... Keep us posted ... Does it taste like sh!it?

  6. #6
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    yes it does taste nasty, like a very strong mouthwash with bitter aftertaste, it only lasts about 20-30 minutes and the taste is gone.

    as for feeling anything else besides strength and gains, i am already horny all the time so i can't really tell if it made any difference. Well it didn’t suffer lets just say that…

    here is my report for last night workout,

    blood pressure, is good.
    endurance seemed better,
    worked with light weights but felt more pumped than with my normal weights.
    did a 20 minute cardio after workout and felt i can go more
    i have elbow and shoulder pain but seemed to be able to tolerate the pain better

    today i am working my chest and will report the stats tonight.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by elpropiotorvic View Post
    Thank u thank u thank u ... The truth being said there is a lo of mixed info on the bloody s4 and eventhough phate already did his log it appeared to me that he didn't take s4 .... Keep us posted ... Does it taste like sh!it?
    why do you think that?

    Quote Originally Posted by bass View Post
    yes it does taste nasty, like a very strong mouthwash with bitter aftertaste, it only lasts about 20-30 minutes and the taste is gone.

    as for feeling anything else besides strength and gains, i am already horny all the time so i can't really tell if it made any difference. Well it didn’t suffer lets just say that…

    here is my report for last night workout,

    blood pressure, is good.
    endurance seemed better,
    worked with light weights but felt more pumped than with my normal weights.
    did a 20 minute cardio after workout and felt i can go more
    i have elbow and shoulder pain but seemed to be able to tolerate the pain better

    today i am working my chest and will report the stats tonight.
    are you going to get bloodwork done?

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    Ottawa, Canada
    ^^ I dunno I just have read wonders on this thing and then there was the guy also that said u didn't take any... And to the looks of ur blog u just made natural gains ... Or not? I mean u have never cycled so is not like other ppl in here that don't feel it but they have done god knows how many cycles..... What m saying is that u trained hard and u know ur thing with the diet( even though it was not a bulker) and I'm sure u took care of resting and not partying ... So I don know ...

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by elpropiotorvic View Post
    ^^ I dunno I just have read wonders on this thing and then there was the guy also that said u didn't take any... And to the looks of ur blog u just made natural gains ... Or not? I mean u have never cycled so is not like other ppl in here that don't feel it but they have done god knows how many cycles..... What m saying is that u trained hard and u know ur thing with the diet( even though it was not a bulker) and I'm sure u took care of resting and not partying ... So I don know ...
    i'm not getting offensive or anything bro, i was asking because honestly i felt like i wasn't taking anything, but i had really really bad night vision and ALL lights were yellow which is a side of the S4, plus let's just say that i know my source was legit because he's the guy that's supplying everyone else right now so idk....i just figured it would be more apparent

  10. #10
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    So what i've read is that this SARMs seems to be the miracle test but without the sides.

    Is Lion a reliable source?

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by liftsmore View Post
    So what i've read is that this SARMs seems to be the miracle test but without the sides.

    Is Lion a reliable source?
    Yes it is in my opinion, so far...but I can’t really compare it to anything since this is my first cycle of anything.

    Okay, at 75 gms a day now i feel something i never felt before, first i think the vision thing is kicking in slightly, but not something i would worry about at this point, i also feel i can do more reps.

    Today i did my routine chest workout and felt easier than usual, my last reps which is 4th of flat DB press i usually fail at 6th rep, now i went all the way up to ten, so there is something here. my wife made a comment that i look a little muscular and little tighter, i still have about 1" think fat around my belly but she noticed its tighter around my body, if that make any sense! Anyway i am still in the early stages on this and was thinking to increase to 100 mgs a day, but if this stuff keeps kicking at 75 then i'll just stay with that. i asked Lion about the dose and he was hesitant to give me a definite answer, but he also said that his stuff is potent and 50 mgs a day would be a good start. i'll keep you guys posted...

    Phate, yes i will do a blood work after i am done, i already did one before so i can compare.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phate View Post
    i'm not getting offensive or anything bro, i was asking because honestly i felt like i wasn't taking anything, but i had really really bad night vision and ALL lights were yellow which is a side of the S4, plus let's just say that i know my source was legit because he's the guy that's supplying everyone else right now so idk....i just figured it would be more apparent
    No prob men I didn't thinknu were ... But that's what I thought that u had a legit source, so I kinda got very disapoointed cause u got suppressed and u didn't make that big of gains, and like I said I'm sure on ur end diet training and sleeping were. On check so .... I liked so far the owner of the post already feels differe t and his wife told him, and hopefully s4 is not bunk and we are able to get our hands on this promising drug

    Btw big thank u to lion cus I'm sure all the people that wanted to try it didn't have a way to get it least me

  13. #13
    Real acetamidoxolutamide is supposed to take effect within a day or even hours.

  14. #14
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    Just finished my Triceps workout and I felt a difference in three areas, strength, endurance and less pain in my elbow and joints in general. I was able to do more weights at least by 20% more and still felt like I can go more, but I am not going to push it, I don't want to tear anything...tomorrow is my rest day, so I’ll be back on Tuesday.

    BTW, I also felt pumped up more than before.

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    Great... Sounds promising

  16. #16
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    Today is my rest day, but still did one hour cardio. i must say that my elbow pain is getting so much better, like i said the last similar elbow pain took months to heal, this one seems to be going away fast. I’ll keep you guys posted on that.

    BTW, starting tomorrow i am increasing from 75mgs to 100mgs a day.

  17. #17
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    so sarms helps with joint pain too?

  18. #18
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    so far so good, actually this was the main reason i wanted to do this. I am actually feeling good, lighter on my feet and seems to have good energy throughout the day. but the real results is how I feel when I am done with the cycle, so we'll see. today I’ll be working my shoulders and legs, I’ll report back tonight after workout...

    PS. another thing I want to mention, I have been sleeping much better, I used to wake up every 10 minutes toss and turn, now I wake up when the clock goes off. Maybe that’s why I feel I have more energy through the day…

  19. #19
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    Are you noticing any testicular atrophy?

  20. #20
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    not at all, i only been on it for a week, so not sure, but thanks i'll keep a close attention to that...why do you ask, have you heard anything negative?

  21. #21
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    Some people swear that it does but others say otherwise.

    Let us know about that. If that is the case then pct is required.

  22. #22
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    I just read a bunch of papers on Ostarine S-4, In clinical trials it has shown that it does not shut down the LH and FSH production. At least that was the findings for one study.
    “If you can't explain it to a second grader, you probably don't understand it yourself.” Albert Einstein

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    "In a world full of pussies, being a redneck is not a bad thing."

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    No Source Check Please, I don't know of any.

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  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleScience View Post
    I just read a bunch of papers on Ostarine S-4, In clinical trials it has shown that it does not shut down the LH and FSH production. At least that was the findings for one study. got that study? Can you post it? Link?

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by tballz View Post got that study? Can you post it? Link?
    Hmm, I didnt save it on my computer. I will look it up again tonight and post a link.
    “If you can't explain it to a second grader, you probably don't understand it yourself.” Albert Einstein

    "Juice slow, train smart, it's a long journey."

    "In a world full of pussies, being a redneck is not a bad thing."

    Body building is a way of life..........but can not get in the way of your life.

    No Source Check Please, I don't know of any.

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  25. #25
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    Much appreciated MuscleScience

  26. #26
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    that study would be very much appreciated, thanks for the updates on the sarms log, very interesting that it is helping with the joint pain as well.

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by tballz View Post
    Much appreciated MuscleScience
    Quote Originally Posted by freakinhuge View Post
    that study would be very much appreciated, thanks for the updates on the sarms log, very interesting that it is helping with the joint pain as well.
    As promised, read the full article it has a lot of info on how steroids work in the body.

    Androgens are essential for male development and the maintenance of male secondary characteristics, such as bone mass, muscle mass, body composition, and spermatogenesis. The main disadvantages of steroidal androgens are their undesirable physicochemical and pharmacokinetic properties. The recent discovery of nonsteroidal selective androgen receptor modulators (SARMs) provides a promising alternative for testosterone replacement therapies with advantages including oral bioavailability, flexibility of structural modification, androgen receptor specificity, tissue selectivity, and the lack of steroid-related side effects.
    “If you can't explain it to a second grader, you probably don't understand it yourself.” Albert Einstein

    "Juice slow, train smart, it's a long journey."

    "In a world full of pussies, being a redneck is not a bad thing."

    Body building is a way of life..........but can not get in the way of your life.

    No Source Check Please, I don't know of any.

    Depressed? Healthy Way Out!

    Tips For Young Lifters

    MuscleScience Training Log

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuscleScience View Post
    As promised, read the full article it has a lot of info on how steroids work in the body.

    Androgens are essential for male development and the maintenance of male secondary characteristics, such as bone mass, muscle mass, body composition, and spermatogenesis. The main disadvantages of steroidal androgens are their undesirable physicochemical and pharmacokinetic properties. The recent discovery of nonsteroidal selective androgen receptor modulators (SARMs) provides a promising alternative for testosterone replacement therapies with advantages including oral bioavailability, flexibility of structural modification, androgen receptor specificity, tissue selectivity, and the lack of steroid-related side effects.
    Thanks MuscleScience, I’ll read it for sure.

    Okay, my report for shoulder and leg workout today, the best workout yet, elbow pain right on the elbow bone is gone, but still have slightly torn forearm muscle pain, but very tolerable. i increased my weights and felt great, i am already sore and it feels great, my wife made a comment again that i look more muscular, i see it it too but not sure what to say to be honest, because as you know i am cutting as well, and i am losing weight but gaining strength! its either my imagination or the S4 is working as promised. But tomorrow is the real test for pain, since my forearm is in pain I can’t do heavy weights on biceps, but will give it a shot and see how its doing, so until tomorrow…

    PS. Couple of things, first I had this shoulder injury and haven’t been able to do chest flys with dumbbells for the last 6 months, for the heck of it I tried one set of tem with 15 ponds DB and there was no pain what so ever, before the S4 I couldn’t even do it even without weights, just the motion itself gave me excruciating pain. So I am looking forward to chest day so I can give the flys a test.

    Secondly, i have found that I sweat allot more and almost immediately whether its weight lifting or cardio.

  29. #29
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    I'm glad to see this is working for you.

    Did you decide how long you're going to run it?

  30. #30
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    Bass thank you so much for logging your experience with S4. This stuff looks very promising. It's even good for joint pain.

    My only question, since it is so beneficial, when will it be outlawed?

  31. #31
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    Good thing bass ... Have u cycled before ....? ... Can u compare it to smoething.... Increasing weight by cutting is something I can only do with back not the other muscleszl... That's pretty good.. How much of cardio are u doing

  32. #32
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    you are welcome guys...i am glad its working for me especially for my joints. i will be running this cycle for 5 weeks, now i am at 100mgs a day, and so far so good, the vision thing is still very mild, but everything else feels great, my body feels younger. i am almost 50 and the other day one of my friends who hasn't seen me in 3 months was shocked how i transformed my body, he said that i looked 20 years younger. great feeling to know that my hard work is paying off...

    no i never cycled before, this is my first time, so even if it does the slightest thing for me i will be happy. today is my biceps day, which been my weakest due to the forearm muscle pain, so i am looking forward to see if i can go back to my normal weights.

    PS. due to my BF% my chest drooped a little, now I have noticed that its firming up and getting rounder, somewhat lifted, not sure if it’s the S4 or just because I am burning fat. I will post a before and after photo if my after photo look decent enough!

  33. #33
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    Bass good stuff... Btw I read a study where nobody reported vision problems...not sure If I can dig it up... Maybe different ppl... Differend disposition or something

  34. #34
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    you probably right, but today being in southern California its very sunny, and when i entered a well lit restaurant it was a little dark but a minute later it became bright. this scenario usually happens anyway, but was more noticeable to me, but my mind could be playing tricks on me due to the fact that its been mentioned.

    i can't tell you how great i feel, i only worked my chest one time since i started the cycle and my chest feel tight and looks more rounded. i just hope this will not stop here, i am hoping that the effect keeps increasing so i can get better results. if i like the end results i will start another cycle in 3-4 months after this one.

    PS. i really didn’t expect my chest to tighten up due to the fat around it, so I guess I don’t have to worry about gyno. So far so good.

  35. #35
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    The vision might be a placebo effect since that's what people are saying.

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by tballz View Post
    The vision might be a placebo effect since that's what people are saying.
    not with real s4 it's not, my night vision got bad enough where it would be a full moon out and i couldn't see an inch in front of my face, literally, i would walk into my door or wall before i could see it and they are both white

  37. #37
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    Phate I posted something for u earlier on this thread...

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by elpropiotorvic View Post
    Phate I posted something for u earlier on this thread...

  39. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by elpropiotorvic View Post
    No prob men I didn't thinknu were ... But that's what I thought that u had a legit source, so I kinda got very disapoointed cause u got suppressed and u didn't make that big of gains, and like I said I'm sure on ur end diet training and sleeping were. On check so .... I liked so far the owner of the post already feels differe t and his wife told him, and hopefully s4 is not bunk and we are able to get our hands on this promising drug

    Btw big thank u to lion cus I'm sure all the people that wanted to try it didn't have a way to get it least me
    here... Well anyways bass feels different already... Is there any chance something was off .. The dosing or something

  40. #40
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    Okay folks, I have a surprise for you guys especially for over 40 guys like me…

    But first let me tell you how my biceps/back workout went today. I am beyond thrilled, I am really liking this stuff, I’ve never felt so pumped before, I felt like my biceps were going top explode, and didn’t even do my normal weights due to my forearm muscle pain, I could have done more weights but didn’t want to take the chance, my last injury took months to heal. My body feel sore as heck and I just finished about 30 minutes ago, I just couldn’t wait to get on here and tell you guys how it went. The before photo was taken 6 weeks ago, and the after just 15 minutes ago, you be the judge.

    The surprise, the first 20 reps warm-up bicep curls felt a little discomfort in my forearm, after that there was almost no pain, and now I feel no pain whatsoever, where before S4 I couldn’t sleep from pain, now its almost gone, I can’t wait to try BD flys after tomorrow, I haven’t done those in over 6 months due to shoulder injury, but like yesterday I tried few cable flys and there was no pain at all, so I am vey excited. Tomorrow is rest day for me, I always like to rest before chest day. So far so good, I’ll keep you posted. BTW, I am almost 50…

    PS. This is the first time I got a Charlie horse on my right calf doing pull downs, and I was doing 20 lbs more that normal, so strength is up for sure
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