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Thread: letro use

  1. #1
    psychoink is offline Junior Member
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    letro use

    I have arr liq letro... I have a pea size lump in both areola... I have 4 weeks left in test only cycle. I heard letro will kill my sex drive. That's the main reason I use test. Is that true, shiuld I wait till cycle is over.

  2. #2
    numbere is offline RETIRED- Knowledgeable member
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    Don't use letro for gyno treatment. You will crash your E2 and feel horrible. Letro is a very powerful AI and AIs should not be used for gyno treatment, use a SERM. You can use nolvadex but this can be a long process. The best method, short of surgery, for gyno treatment is rolaxifene. Rolaxifene has a high bonding binding affinity for E2 receptors in breast tissue. Dosages are below.

    - On cycle gyno treatment in order of preference
    1. rolaxifene 60mg/day week 1 30mg/day week2-PCT
    2.nolvadex 20mg/day up to PCT then 40mg/day week1, 20mg/day week 2+(If symptoms persist continue @ 20mg/day post cycle. Plan for 8+ weeks for full recovery.)

    - Off cycle gyno treatment in order of preference
    1. rolaxifene 120mg/day week 1, 60 mg/day week 2+
    2. nolvadex 40mg/day week 1, 20mg/day week 2+ (expect 8+ weeks for full recovery)
    austin2012 likes this.

  3. #3
    psychoink is offline Junior Member
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    I don't have full blown gyno just a lil lump.. I know it starts there... why does everyone say to use letro... even on arr they talk about small lumps goin away with letro..

  4. #4
    numbere is offline RETIRED- Knowledgeable member
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    You can use letro to treat gyno but I highly recommend against that practice.

    For the same reason that people use hCG during PCT and why people want to take oral only cycles. It's because they are misinformed. There is a lot of bad information out there in within the community of AAS users. Many still refer to 'broscience' over real science.

    It would be in your best interest to read the threads below.

    Do I Have Gynecomastia? If You're Asking This Question, Read Thread

    Stop Using Aromatase Inhibitors to Reverse Gynecomastia! SERMs Only!

    Estrogen, Prolactin, Progesterone Management + Gynecomastia Prevention & Reversal

  5. #5
    Juced_porkchop's Avatar
    Juced_porkchop is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by psychoink View Post
    I have arr liq letro... I have a pea size lump in both areola... I have 4 weeks left in test only cycle. I heard letro will kill my sex drive. That's the main reason I use test. Is that true, shiuld I wait till cycle is over.
    I use letro as my main AI, dosing it correctly is key... (0.25mg-0.6mg eod) but waiting till after cycle makes no sense, you will then have T and E going down, if anythign at that point you would use a serm, and since on PCT you should already be on a serm...

    *add an AI as you should have already for the cycle. hop on low dose of SERM while you wait for AI to take affect. stop AI at PCT and continue with SERMS/PCT. see how you are doing near end of pct..

  6. #6
    psychoink is offline Junior Member
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    This forum is where I heard about letro... guess all the "Bros" on here have been wrong... I read the dosage was 1.25 mg eod.. I'll do the .6 and step it up as needed

  7. #7
    numbere is offline RETIRED- Knowledgeable member
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    Are you talking about using letro to control aromatase or to reverse gyno?

    Letro is a very powerful, 0.25mg or less can inhibit 98%+ of E2. Really the only way to dial in an AI dosage is to monitor your progress with BW.

  8. #8
    Dougiefresh7707's Avatar
    Dougiefresh7707 is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by psychoink View Post
    This forum is where I heard about letro... guess all the "Bros" on here have been wrong... I read the dosage was 1.25 mg eod.. I'll do the .6 and step it up as needed
    I wouldn't go much higher than .6 with letro very powerful stuff if you haven't used it before start at .25 as recommended. you don't want to kill your e completely just keep it in check.

  9. #9
    Dougiefresh7707's Avatar
    Dougiefresh7707 is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by numbere View Post
    Are you talking about using letro to control aromatase or to reverse gyno?

    Letro is a very powerful, 0.25mg or less can inhibit 98%+ of E2. Really the only way to dial in an AI dosage is to monitor your progress with BW.
    are you saying to take less than .25 eod ?

  10. #10
    Juicestacker is offline New Member
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    Iv read starting at .25mg eod and slowly mapping it up

  11. #11
    Juicestacker is offline New Member
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    Iv read starting at .25mgs eod and slowly ramping it up to 1.25mgs until gyno is gone. Then dropping back to .25 eod .

  12. #12
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    Letro is to control aromatize but its too strong. Armi is much better

    Use nolva for gyno

  13. #13
    Dougiefresh7707's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by EquilibriumZ
    Letro is to control aromatize but its too strong. Armi is much better Use nolva for gyno
    Letro may not be the favorite when it come to ai's but dosed properly it works just fine, but as with any ai everyone's reaction to it is a little different I started with .25 up to .6 and it's working fine for me.

  14. #14
    ironbeck's Avatar
    ironbeck is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Juced_porkchop View Post
    I use letro as my main AI, dosing it correctly is key... (0.25mg-0.6mg eod) but waiting till after cycle makes no sense, you will then have T and E going down, if anythign at that point you would use a serm, and since on PCT you should already be on a serm...

    *add an AI as you should have already for the cycle. hop on low dose of SERM while you wait for AI to take affect. stop AI at PCT and continue with SERMS/PCT. see how you are doing near end of pct..
    Agreed, I also use it as my main E2 control but have had yrs of practice and have dosage in accordance for what ever phase im in I havent cycled in 6 months.

  15. #15
    Girthquake is offline New Member
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    i have been doing letro 2.5mg/ week spread into 3 doses and i did feel pretty lethargic for a spell, has leveled off when i cut it back a bit. I wish I had seen this thread at the design of my cycle, I would have known to start lower. or forego letro altogether, in favor of nolva. I have a bit higher bf % than recommended, even, and that dose was way too much.

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